Thoughts, Feelings and Action - Change the Way That You Think

in #motivation3 years ago

What thoughts, words and actions do you take when dealing with anxiety? Thoughts are those thoughts that enter into your mind when the anxiety reaches a certain point. Words are the thoughts that you think in your waking hours. Actions are the thoughts that you take and the words that follow these thoughts. When you know this, you can then decide on how to go about relieving or reducing your anxiety. The thoughts, words and actions involved here, will determine what kind of anxiety you have and therefore how to handle it.

Take for example, you may have thoughts of anxiety about some situation that can be scary or unpleasant. Your words are these thoughts that are running through your mind in your thoughts process. These thoughts are going to be your thoughts even if you are not consciously aware of them. You might be aware that you have a fear of something but are you aware that you keep thinking about it?

Now we have established that your thoughts and words are linked to your feelings. This is very important because your thoughts and feelings are going to affect your actions. If you are afraid of a spider, you will not just go out and open the window, you will stay safe and sound in your house and maybe even call an electrician to come and see what is wrong with the electrical wiring of your house.

However, your actions will be different. If you go out and open the window you will immediately feel safe again. This is because your thoughts of danger has been replaced with a desire to get inside and see what is wrong. The fear of the spider has been replaced with the desire to avoid any problems. These two thoughts are linked to your action.

It is very difficult to do the things you want if you don't know where your thoughts are. When you start to have anxiety, you will have thoughts popping into your head at all times of the day. They will be thoughts of fear and panic. You will feel a mixture of emotions such as excitement, anxiousness and anticipation.

Your actions will be very confused and the results will be the opposite of your thoughts. You will begin to feel nervous and overwhelmed and this will lead to an attack. If you continue to think about the problem and are not able to relax you will get another attack.

The only way to gain control of your life is to learn to let go of words and actions. When you concentrate on your feelings and words, you will always feel as though you are at a loss for words or actions to take. However, when you get your emotions under control you will be able to act in a more efficient manner. You will also be much happier. When you are happy you will be more productive, creative and attentive.

Your thoughts and feelings are links that link directly to your actions. The more you connect the two, the easier it becomes to control your life and your thoughts. However, if you let go of thoughts and feelings there will be no way to stop the actions because the thoughts are the catalyst for the actions. So, you must learn to control your thoughts and feelings.

There is a way to let go of your thoughts and feelings and to still be in control. You can do this by learning to control your breathing. Once you master the art of controlling your breath, you will soon be able to relax your mind and body. As you become proficient in controlling your breath, you will find yourself able to relax more quickly. As you relax you body will follow suit.

When you learn to control your thoughts, you can then begin to control your feelings. For example, if you feel anger coming up, you can learn to breathe into that feeling so that you will focus on that feeling rather than your thoughts or words. When you focus your thoughts on something positive, you will then begin to change the way that you think.

The most powerful tool that you have in your toolbox for changing the way that you think is your own breath. When you learn to control your thoughts you must also learn to control your breathing. This will help you bring your thoughts and feelings under control. With practice you will find that all of your thoughts and feelings are now under your complete control. No longer will you allow any negative thoughts or feelings to dominate your life!


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