Get Rid of Your Bad Habits by Using a Mental Reminder

in #life3 years ago

Quit a Bad Habit is not easy, but it is possible to quit almost anything. Habits are never necessarily a bad thing, since they give us structure. However, some habits are just not helpful, since they harm your overall long term health. Excessive drinking and smoking.

This is probably the most difficult of them all, since it's tough to kick the drinking habit. The main problem with getting rid of a bad habit, is that the individual may have been used to it being a way of life. For many people it becomes a sort of social duty, to get involved in the particular group that the habit is with. If they then attempt to give up, they will often fail. This is because their motivational power has been built up by the act of taking up the habit in the first place, which then brings the inevitable feelings of anxiety and disappointment with quitting.

Getting motivation through a program such as this requires setting goals. Setting goals is important, because it provides you with a guide, when it comes to giving up a bad habit. You need to have a goal before you even begin to give up, because if you do not have a plan, you are like a ship that is floating aimlessly about the sea without a destination. When you have a goal, then you have something to look forward to on a daily basis.

One of the things about giving up a bad habit is that it can be quite psychologically challenging. In the beginning of the process you will probably be aware of certain trigger points that will set off your urges to smoke or drink. These trigger points are usually connected to something you had done earlier in the day. So for instance, if you were to notice that you were talking on the phone or working on the car, your subconscious mind will associate this with smoking or drinking. To get out of these trigger points, you will have to work on desensitizing yourself to the activity through repetition.

The reward is another part of the plan for getting rid of a bad habit. You could choose to give yourself a small reward every time you reach a target. For example, if you set yourself a 30-minute walk every day, you would be rewarded each time you do it. This can be quite motivating, especially if you know that you will be rewarded later. You could also choose to set yourself targets in terms of money.

A very good way to work on your trigger points is through the use of affirmations. Affirmations are statements that are designed to change the way your mind thinks. You could use affirmations that say something like "I will stop smoking someday" or "I will quit drinking alcohol someday." Once you understand the function of the brain, you will be able to use this technique to your advantage. This is how you will begin to remove that bad habit.

It would be better if you could mix up the reward and the ice-cream. Begin by giving yourself a small reward for every time that you make progress toward quitting the bad habit. As you progress, you could offer an ice-cream treat. However, you must not make them too easy. Do not forget that ice-cream is a delicious treat. If you go easy on it, you will get addicted to it, which means that you are never going to succeed.

The third part of the plan is to create a small piece of paper and hang it above your head. Every time that you think about lighting up a cigarette, read the label of the cigarette. If you see that it contains nicotine, then do not light up. By doing this every time that you think about smoking, you will be able to get rid of the bad habit.


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