Love Beyond Boundaries: The Tale of a Vampire and a Fairy

in Dream Steem2 years ago
A gorgeous vampire by the name of Mathew formerly resided in the vibrant city of New York. He had piercing blue eyes, beautiful features, and jet-black hair that always appeared to be flawlessly styled. He was a mystery figure who stood tall and lean. Mathew, a creature of the night, lived alone, rarely venturing out during the day and only emerging at night to feed.


One evening, when Mathew was wandering the city's streets, he caught a sight of a stunning fairy by the name of Laura. With her dazzling personality, charming smile, and bright wings, she was unlike anyone he had ever seen. Mathew found himself following her throughout the city while keeping a respectful distance since he couldn't help but feel attracted to her.

Contrarily, Laura was unaware that she was being followed. She was too preoccupied laughing and dancing the night away with her companions. She had never felt more alive, and she was totally oblivious to the handsome vampire who was keeping an eye on her at all times.

Mathew and Laura finally met, as fate would have it. It was a fortuitous meeting, a fleeting instant that would forever alter their lives. They first ran into one other at a nightclub, where Laura was dancing and Mathew was relaxing with a drink.

When their eyes locked across the room, it appeared as though time had stopped. They connected right away, experiencing a strange sense of familiarity that they both couldn't shake. They started talking, and soon they were absorbed in each other's presence.

They spoke and laughed and danced the night away for hours, blissfully unaware of anything going on around them. They were unaware that they were from separate planets, that they were day and night creatures, and that they were two creatures that were never intended to fall in love.

Mathew and Laura swapped phone numbers and agreed to get together again soon as the evening came to an end. The future was unknown to them, but they both knew they wanted to see one another again.

They had no idea that their love would soon face its greatest test. Because they would use whatever means at their disposal to keep Laura and Mathew apart once Laura's friends and family learned of Mathew's true nature.

As the weeks went by, Mathew and Laura's love only grew deeper. They made the most of their time together by touring the city and learning new things about one another. Both of them were content, blissfully oblivious to the danger that awaited them just around the corner.

One day, Lily, Laura's best friend, unexpectedly joined Mathew and Laura for a picnic in Central Park. Although Lily was a fairy as well, she was afraid of vampires unlike Laura. She didn't want her best friend to suffer harm because she had heard of their sinister and hazardous activities.

Lily recognised Mathew as a vampire as soon as she first met him. She attempted to warn Laura of the threat he posed, but nothing could make Laura stop being in love. Lily was utterly concerned for her friend and knew she had to take action to keep her safe.

Lily visited Laura's family and revealed Mathew's real identity to them. They were shocked and outraged, and they were trying to convince Laura to end their relationship right now. They warned her that being with him put her in danger because vampires were dangerous monsters who preyed on defenseless victims.

Laura initially held onto her denial. She found out Lily was correct after doing some research since she couldn't believe the man she loved was a vampire. It hit her like a ton of bricks that Mathew was, in fact, a vampire.

Laura struggled to balance her loyalty to her friends and family and her love for Mathew. She was aware that if she kept seeing Mathew, her relationships with the people she loved the most would suffer. She was at a loss for what to do.

Mathew approached Laura after sensing that something wasn't right. She was first hesitant before finally telling him everything. He was informed of Lily's visit and what she had learned about his real identity.

Mathew was in shock. Although he was aware that vampires had a nasty image, he had always made an effort to stand out. He had never hurt anyone and had taken great care to conceal his identity. The prospect of losing Laura was unbearable for him because he loved her more than anything.

They discussed their issue for hours, trying to find a solution. In order to convince Laura's family and friends that he was not a threat to her, Mathew vowed to do everything in his power. He was aware that the trip would be lengthy and challenging, but he was prepared to go to any lengths to be with the person he loved.

The love between Mathew and Laura ultimately triumphed. They overcame all odds by fighting and winning. They demonstrated to everyone in their vicinity that love knows no bounds and that often the most unlikely love tales are the most powerful.

With nothing but love and happiness in their hearts, Mathew and Laura carried on their joint exploration of the globe. They were aware of their differences and that they were creatures of the day and the night, but they also understood that nothing could ever change how wonderful their love was.

(The story is based on my own experiences, however it has a different ending.)


 2 years ago (edited)

For me, it reads at first a little clumsy, but in reading further, I got the idea:
Each paragraph is a summarizing of a chapter (or more) in an extended novel. You have put your story line here, and now I'm curious to read one of the outlined chapters.
Please! Give me, give us some probe of the story with all its details and dialogues!
And if the real ending is more like Romeo's and Julia's, then try to let the readers be part of the tragedy.

I'm really happy that my story got your interest, I'm still an amature writer with lot of soft spots for my emotions.
I'm recovering myself and I need some time, so currently I'm not brave enough to tell the entire story, sorry.
But I'll definitely come with a new story in the near future.


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 2 years ago 

Welcome to Dream Steem ;-))

Would you like to do some text work?

Your two protagonists (nice idea to pair a vampire and a fairy ;-)) meet resistance from their friends and families. What kind? How were they influenced? They fought against it. How? What did they do to convince their friends of their love? Or did they distance themselves...? You start a thread, but lose it at some point - and then it suddenly ends ;-))

Sorry, as I mentioned in the end of the story, the story is based on my own experiences, however it has a different (negative) ending. So I didn't mention a lot of things because it hurts me.

But I'll definitely post a good story without any cuts in the near future.

 2 years ago 

So I didn't mention a lot of things because it hurts me.

Give me one author who wrote without being hurt - and I'll name you hundred who did BECAUSE they were!
(I'm speaking of literature, not of telenovelas and the like.)

The authors you describe are role models and icons of many people because they are so great and gave us lot of knowledge through their writings, but I'm still a young and amature writer who just barely stands with a support of a wall.

But I'll surely tell my entire story when I'm relieved from my stress.
Thankyou for showing interest to my story.

 2 years ago 

Only one thought... Sometimes it's important to endure a pain. As an artist you can possibly grow on it. Nevertheless, I am very sorry for your personal experience.

Thankyou for your kind words

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