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RE: Some words worth considering in my opinion. ._.

in #philosophy7 years ago

Interesting words. Makes you think. I think that this is partially true/good advice. Society prefers when every is in line and conforming. It keeps things manageable and ordered (which can be a good thing, to an extent).

I mean, imagine if everybody went around not caring about the other person and just doing their own thing. Could lead to chaos.

But at the same time, this is a flaw of society to an extent as well, as pointed out by this post. It hinders the free-thinkers who could make a difference in the world and cause a revolution in thought and the way we live.

I think the best way to go about it is probably a balance between the two: don't be too much of a sheep, but don't overdo it with the rebellion.

Conforming, to some degree, can help you get along society and in turn may help you fulfill your ideals.

But purely pandering to the masses can lead to stifling your potential and robbing the world of the contributions you can offer to it. :)


Well said! That was a surprisingly eloquent and well thought out response. And.. I agree a lot! So much that I don't really have much to add, which doesn't happen that often.. But.. I appreciate it when it does! Lol. Thanks for taking the time to type up such a great response! Cheers.

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