in #life6 years ago (edited)

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The situation of things

There are a lot of unemployed youths all over the country, who are not too smart in their mind and in their thinking, they fail to see or are totally oblivious to the great opportunities for success, that look them in the face every single day. If you are unemployed as a graduate or school leaver, and have a strong fear of the future, and perpetually in a state of fear and hopelessness. If you've taken to soaking your pillows with tears in the loneliness of the night, consumed with worry, the worry of how to meet those pressing needs of yours. Come on! Wipe those tears off, banish fear, hopelessness and worry from your heart, jack yourself up before you're driven to do something dangerous to your life and destiny.

Your consolation

Friends, don't just sit there, what job are you looking for? while others are mining gold and silver by just a click of the mouse. Come on! let's read this book of Deutronomy 8:18 together:

"But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day"

Times have changed, this time, certainly isn't an easy time for young people to be jobless. Gone are the days when employment wasn't far fetched. All you need to succeed now is to make your hands and brain available. Technology has rendered many jobless; computers have taken up many jobs due to it's multiplicity of functions. Many others are either underemployed or lack the satisfaction that comes from having a job and the government; they care not for citizens, they'd rather dodge their responsibilities and pass the blame to citizens calling them names instead of proffering lasting solutions to the problem of unemployment. So, must you sit down there till you die? God forbid! Looking at the unstable economy of the country; Nigeria, you have to let go of pride in your life and use your hands, you might feel it's beneath you, but with diligence and persistence you'll get success and God will prosper it, if you trust Him.

What should you do?

A lot of people are tapping into the creative part of their brain and are using it to perform wonders in different fields of endeavor. One of such is the social media platform; steemit, a lot of people are utilizing the opportunities the platform offers to keep their lives moving so comfortably without having to sit in offices under white collar jobs and they make their own decisions as regards work.

Put your Trust in God who rules over the economy and the affairs of men. God is the owner of all businesses, all the government of this world, the people, and everything the world. The Bible says;

"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it" (Psalm 24:1).


Imagine letting go of a little branch in a storm and grabbing onto the trunk of a huge oak tree instead. That is what it means to put your trust in God who rules over the economies instead of trusting in the economy itself. Jacob in the Bible was a man who did that very well. During a severe famine, God provided abundantly and sufficiently for Jacob, because he trusted in Him. You can do likewise because God wants to provide for you at this time too.
Just Put your trust in Him today for the beginning of a new career in life, and your eternal destiny.

Thank you

Be on the lookout to read my next post.



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