in #sc-v6 years ago

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to give good news to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted; To proclaim liberty to the captives, and sight to the blind; to release the oppressed; to preach in the acceptable year of the Lord.
Luke 4.18


I had this dream last weekend: I was suddenly in a huge mansion, full of columns, luxurious lounges where I was waiting to enter a folkloric presentation and everywhere you saw people, many young people, all cheerful and happy and some huge hallways, with closed doors on either side; Well finally I got the turn to enter that show, but everyone was taking a sip of a drink, I did not know what it was, but I think I took it out of curiosity and suddenly, they woke up and sharpened my senses, as if I was drugged, then I realized that this was a big and luxurious prison and that somehow they had drugged me and I wanted to run away, so I looked for the word "exit" in English, which means exit and when I saw it at the end of a corridor, I ran towards it with all my strength, but when the sign arrived it disappeared, then I ran in another direction and the situation returned and repeated itself; In my dream and physically in my bed I was disturbed, sweaty and felt my heart beat strongly, then I discovered that I was trapped in a big maze and that I could not get out of there and I felt very depressed and suddenly I was seized by a panic crisis . A crisis of panic or anxiety, is a horrible psychological state, where one feels that one is going to die, that they are going to kill him, that he lacks oxygen, that he is dizzy, thinks that he is going to be dismembered and that you are going to lose the control, then your heart beats with force and you have an anti-stress reaction, that is to say of escape, where you have to save your life, as of place.

Fortunately I woke up and while trying to understand that it was only a dream, I thanked Jesus for waking me up and reflecting on what this dream could mean, I understood its meaning and I felt a lot of pain and grief.

Prison is the world that seems so attractive, so luxurious, where there is a lot of fun, but there are no exits, the prisoners were mainly young and drugs are the chains that keep them captive and the feeling of depression and panic attack, are the emotional states in which these young people live and that makes them look again and again to repeat the doses to feel good, until they end up being addicted.

I felt very sorry and pray at that moment for all the young people and children of God who are exposed to so many traps and that many fall into them precisely because of their inexperience, youth and because they want to try everything and because as teenagers they are, they seek to affirm their identity or seek an escape to their family problems or unconsciously want to "punish their parents" for something, get their attention or the attention of the world and when they take refuge in the consumption of drugs, marijuana or alcohol, in principle out of curiosity and in small quantities; because they do not want to be different from their friends, do not want to be rejected or because they seek to fill a void that in their homes they can not fill, but in reality what they are doing is chaining and entangling their lives, falling into an abyss, of which at least Think about it, they will want to leave and they can not do it anymore.

In most cases, parents are the last to realize that their children are walking and God forbid, when they realize it may be a little late, because the problem has taken root and has grown and becomes more difficult to handle, for that reason, I see myself in the obligation to share this dream and its teaching in this message.

The enemy walks like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour; its objective is to destroy the lives of young people so that they do not come to Christ, cheat and lie and their arguments and attractions, are obviously presented in a "very attractive" way so young people are easy prey, and we must be attentive to Any change of attitude of our young people, behaviors, rebellions, irreverence and loss of respect, way of speaking and behaving, who they are with, where they are and what they are doing. Addictions are like a powerful deadly virus that attacks, weakens, destroys and immobilizes the will, that is why it is impossible for a person who falls into this problem, to go out alone; he needs help and professional help, from his parents, from his pastors and above all and first of all from God, because when he falls into this, he even destroys not only his life, his future and even his body, but also his entire family and people around.

Jesus came so that we would be FREE and everyone who believes in Him will not be lost; that teaching cost him His life and He is the Door where we can get rid of any attachment, vice or dependence; If you are a child of God and you have told Jesus Yes, as your Lord and Savior, He will hold you strong from your hand so that you do not fall and if you have fallen, it will give you strength to get up, which is sure, is that nothing and no one snatched us out of his hand and Jesus is the only one who can help someone in any circumstance and make him truly free, break his chains, deliver him, heal him, bandage him, open his eyes and spiritual ears, bandage his wounds and restore your life (As he said in Isaiah 61: 1)


Well said @rene2018, Jesus came to free the oppressed and to give sight to the blind, he came to give us freedom so that we could enjoy a full life

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