Learning German from DuoLingo: Day 15

I started using DuoLingo to try to learn to read German on June 28, and I've managed to sneak in 15 or 20 minutes every day since then. A couple days ago, @cmp2020 suggested that it might help me pick the language up better if I log my activities on Steemit, and it sounded like a good idea, so here's my post to log today's learning.


Pixabay license, source.

Today, and for the last several days, I have been learning about the "accusative" cases of words like "ein" (a/an) and "der" (the).

The tips from the lesson include the following examples and mappings:

basic formaccusative case
der Apfel (the apple)Ich habe den Apfel (I have the apple.)
ein Apfel (an apple)Ich esse einen Apfel (I have an apple.)

masculineder -> denein -> einen
femininedie -> dieeine -> eine
neuterdas -> dasein -> ein

Recent lessons have also focused on the conjugation of verbs. Examples in the tips are:

Ich trinke (I drink)
du trinkst (You drink)
er/sie/es trinkt (he/she/it drinks)
wir trinken (we drink)
ihr trinkt (you [all] drink)
sie trinken (they drink)

Words like lese, esse, isst, and liest are still confusing to me at this point.

@cmp2020 gave me the dust pneumonic device for remembering that "du" verbs end with "st". That is very helpful. Also, looking at the table now, the pneumonic device: est-ten-ten occurs to me: (I/e, du/st, er-sie-es/t, wir/en, ihr/t, sie/en). I'll be glad when I get to the point where the right suffix comes to mind without thinking through the rules, though.

Today, I started on "level 2" and advanced to "level 3" of the accusative case lessons. The levels go up to 5.

I don't know what most of this stuff means, but I am in the DuoLingo "Silver League" with 1201 total XP, including 468 earned this week, and about 61 earned today. I have 15 "total crowns" and am on a 15 day streak. I have my daily goal set to "20 minutes", and I met the goal today.

A few days ago, DuoLingo said that I had learned 28 words. I don't see a way to get the current value for that metric.

Lessons completed to date include "Basics 1", "The", "Basics 2", and "Phrases".

Five things I think I remember from today's lessons

Ich trinke WasserI drink water
Du trinkst WasserYou drink water
Sie trinkst Wasser und sie essen Brot.She drinks water and they eat bread.
Die Kinder essen einen Apfel.The children eat an apple.
Die Frauen trinken die WasserThe women drink the water.

The proof is in the pudding, so we'll have to see if I manage to learn the language by using DuoLingo, but so far it seems like a decent tool.

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