The Beautiful Caterpillar

in #animal7 years ago (edited)

WhatsApp Image 2018-03-17 at 17.11.54.jpeg

The Real Caterpillars I Found in the flower garden in front of my house

Hai Stemians, saya punya cerita di senja ini :D Ayo dengarkan !!!
Dalam semak-semak di pinggir Rumahku, ada satu ekor ulat. dia merangkak perlahan dari tempat nan dekat. Sekarang dia sedang bersiap-siap menyeberangi satu pohon kecil, pergi ke tempat yang dipenuhi oleh bunga-bunga yang segar.

Hi Stemians, I have a story in this dusk: D Come on listen !!!
In the bushes on the edge of my House, there is one caterpillar. he crawled slowly from near nan. Now he was preparing to cross a small tree, going to a place filled with fresh flowers.

ulat itu merebahkan diri di bawah pohon yang rindang (Pohon kecil), tidak bergerak sama sekali. Dia berpikir, minum sari bunga tentunya sangat nikmat, tetapi angin sepoi-sepoi sejuk yang berada di sini juga seharusnya dinikmati sepuasnya. Karena itu dia merangkak ke atas pohon yang paling tinggi, mencari sehelai daun dan merebahkan diri di atas daun.

the caterpillar lies down under a shady tree (small tree), does not move at all. He thought, drinking the essence of flowers is very enjoyable, but the cool breeze that is here also should be enjoyed as much. So he crawled into the tallest tree, looking for a leaf and lay down on the leaf.

Suara aliran kucing dan ayam yg ada disekitar rumah bagaikan alunan musik yang sangat nyaman untuk didengar, daun pepohonan yang ditiup angin sepoi-sepoi bagaikan ayunan keranjang bayi yang sedang bergoyang, dengan cepat ulat tersebut terlelap.

The flow of cats and chickens around the house is like a music that is very comfortable to hear, the leaves of trees blown by the breeze like a swaying baby basket swing, the caterpillar quickly falling asleep.

Saat itu bunga-bunga sedang bermekaran dengan indah sekali, di dalam setiap kuntum bunga penuh madu yang manis dan wangi.

At that time the flowers were blooming beautifully, inside each flower filled with sweet and fragrant honey.

WhatsApp Image 2018-03-17 at 16.52.59.jpeg

Thank You for Reading
and Visiting Blog @remaja30

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I have never closely seen caterpillar before thanks for sharing.

Okay Brother :)

Thanks for visiting

😃 Nice Post!!! 😃

Thanks (y) Thanks for visiting

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