What Is Motivation Mean?

in #motivation4 years ago

Motivation simply means action taken in accordance with the end result. It is a concept which needs to be understood and followed. Motivation simply means actions bring fruitful results. Sometimes your actions really fail to bring even the desired results. So just get out there, try something different, do something you like and if you are really scared.

Fear is a great motivator. You can't run when you are scared; you can't swim when you are frightened. You may feel you have to give it a shot, but again you will only make things worse.

Sometimes fear is right, sometimes wrong. But when it is wrong, you need to correct it, right? Right. This is where the fun starts. Motivation is something you use to correct situations rather than do something because you fear losing control or getting into trouble. Once you learn how to deal with fear, you can apply it to any situation and use it to your advantage.

If you are in an unpleasant situation and your heart is beating a little faster that normal, think about what would happen if you did nothing. What's your reaction? Would you act differently? Would you change the situation or do you cave in?

Now suppose you could take this same situation and change it into a positive situation. What should you do? What would be the consequence? Would you still be able to act as before or would you be more careful?

What are some examples of situations where the absence of motivation has led to failure? There are lots of them and sometimes the problem lies in the persons doing the motivation. If they are weak in character, they will usually give up too soon, probably without even realizing what they have lost. Whereas those who are strong will step up again and this time have a far better chance of success.

Think about your own motivation for trying to achieve something. Are you motivated by a sense of honor, a sense of achievement, a love of children, a desire to help the less fortunate? Or do you need the windfall, the rush, the sense of power, the status? Sometimes it is the last that motivates us the most.

It all boils down to the answer to the question, "What does motivation really mean?" If it is the desire for power, prestige and the outcome of success then we need to look at how we use our time, our resources and our achievements. Where are the incentives for success? Where are the rewards for trying hard? Is the way we do things matching up with the outcomes we want?

We could learn a lot about motivation by studying those people who are successful in their situations. Notice how their actions match up with the results they expect. Notice too how they handle the situation in a manner that will allow them to use all of their resources to their advantage.

Successful people are not spontaneous or weak. They carefully plan every move they make and evaluate all of the options before taking action. Successful people know the pain they are going to inflict on themselves, but they also plan to avoid inflicting as much pain on the people around them.

Another aspect of motivation is recognizing when it is not working. The best situation in the world doesn't mean much if you don't take the action required to bring it about. That means moving from what you think to what you feel. Recognizing the difference will help you decide what action to take and, more importantly, when to take it.

Sometimes a simple thing can lead to success. For example, when I was building a new house, I knew I wanted a certain color of paint for the walls. I knew I wanted to get the right hardware and I also knew that this would involve some remodeling. When I finally purchased the supplies, though, I had no idea where to begin. I didn't even know where to find the right color of paint! All I knew was that I wanted to be happy with my new home.


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