Honesty Costs Nothing And Lying Can Cost You!

in #life3 years ago

There is an old saying that goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." But sometimes we do not know the difference between honesty and dishonesty. When our honesty costs us, we tend to do things that are not very honest. If we have a trusted friend, we will tell him everything. However, we may not tell the whole truth. In such cases, lying is not always the best solution.

We all know that a cheating spouse has a difficult time forgiving. Sometimes the unfaithful partner has to go through a lot of painful emotions before he/she is ready to forgive. Do you have the strength to be honest when you know you have hurt your spouse? Will you ever forgive if you do not see the situation in the proper perspective? A cheating spouse deserves more than to be cheated on.

It takes a lot of guts to say to your spouse, "I'm sorry, I've been unfaithful". Do you really want to say that to someone who is watching your every move and they know every detail of your affair? Are you sure that saying sorry to someone is worth lying to them about? Of course not!

A cheating spouse has to be quite smart about when he or she tells the truth. If he or she tells the truth, then he or she must be confident that he or she will get the same response or result if they continue lying. However, lying just to save face will only cost you. The end result could be a painful divorce.

What about honesty with your lover? Do you keep your word to your significant other even when you know it is not working? Do you give your relationship the chance to work on its own instead of just destroying it? Can you honestly expect to ever be happy with a cheater again if you are having an affair and hoping that he or she will change just to please you?

The end result of lying can be devastating to your heart and your marriage. Do you really want to take the risk of putting your lie on paper and have it become public record? You might as well just say, "I'm sorry, I've been unfaithful and I hope that in time you'll see that I'm sorry too!" No one is looking forward to reading about your marital problems and your attempts to cover them up!

So what is the answer? Don't lie and don't be dishonest. But do everything you can to be truthful. Honesty costs nothing and lying never does. Live and learn without being lied to and you will win the game of life!

Finally, have some guilt. Guilt can drive anyone crazy! It's the thing that makes us feel guilty and it is the very thing that keeps us in hiding. Just let him or her know, "You've been cheating on me for so long, I'm fed up and I'm done!"

In fact, by telling your spouse, "I'm fed up, it's time I went home and got a real job," you are helping him or her see that you're changing. The best thing you can do if you have been unfaithful is to end the lying and start being truthful. Tell him or her the truth, no matter how painful it is. If you are in pain, then lying will just make you feel worse.

Your spouse will eventually find out. If you don't want your cheating husband or wife to know about the lies, you must be sure to tell him or her directly. This means leaving your office or home and not going over the phone or computer. This way, he or she will think you are having a normal conversation with someone else and they won't think that it's weird that you're lying.

Honesty costs nothing and lying definitely can cost you. You've already lost the battle, so why try to win the war when it doesn't have to go that way? There are better ways to handle things, such as opening up and dealing with issues head on. If you let your cheating spouse think that he or she has done something wrong, it will only make him or her want more, causing you to lie even more.

If you feel that you want to try to save your marriage by lying to your cheating spouse, then you should seriously consider doing so. It's not worth it. But if you truly want to end the lying game and put an end to the pain and suffering, then you need to be honest with yourself and with your spouse.


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