Hello Appics. It's me, Redford. After much prodding from @Pinoy.Viajero, I finally ...

in APPICS4 years ago

... joined the community. I don't know much about cryptocurrency, and to be honest, I am a little scared to use the app. When my partner started explaining the concept to me a few days ago, I remember giving him a confused look, and I think I mildly dozed off as well. Oh! I am just kidding! But really, I am not like him who is ever present on social media, but I've always been very supportive of his projects, so here I am venturing onto the unknown world called the blockchain. I am not even sure what that word means. LOL! 🤣

Just like @Pinoy.Viajero, I too work in the BPO industry. I love to sing, I can be funny, and I think I am quite creative too. I am just a tad bit shy, so you'll need to catch me unaware to really see some of my antics.

I am sure my partner already mentioned it on his page, but we do have two furbabies which we really adore - Sandy and Baxter. You'll definitely see a lot of their photos on this page.

Please take good care of me on this platform. 😊

That's it. Please follow me when you can.

Take care everyone and be safe always.


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Haha good story 😂 welcome...

Hahaha. I am glad I made you smile. Thank you for the warm welcome. 😁

This is so true. I am not as tech savvy as my partner. He knows alot about these things. Ako, dedma lang pagnagiexplain sya. Sabi ko, basta gawan mo na lang kasi ako ng account, at ako nabahala pagtapos. Haha, yun nga yung ginawa. Lol!🤣 Salamat po sa pagwelcome. 🤗

..welcome!..and, if you ask me, 80% here don’t know exactly what ‚blockchain‘ really means....well and funny written introduction, liked reading it..follow you.. enjoy...

Hahaha. I am glad I made you laugh. Followed you too. Still finding my way around the app though. @pinoy.viajero is helping me not get loss so much. Lol.

Welcome to APPICS 😍 enjoy your stay with us. My BPO INDUSTRY brother!

Thank you so much for the warm welcome. 🤗

Welcome to Appics, Banisel! 😍

Thank you po.

Welcome to APPICS family 😍

😍😍😍 Thank you. 😍😍😍

Welcome to APPICS🙌

😍😍😍 Thank you. 😍😍😍

Hey there and welcome to appics! 😎🤙

Thank you so much for the warm welcome. 😍

Welcome to APPICS! I am sure @pinoy.viajero will be proud. Continue sharing the best photos that you had being together aside from sharing positivity and love to the platform, show the beauty of what Philippines can offer the world. Best of luck to your joirney here.

Thank you very much for uber warm welcome. 😍

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