See What I See: Webs

in #photography6 years ago


Took these shots in the early morning mist.


Perfectly engineered by the spider suspended in the middle of its web.


Quite an eerie feel, as all the spiders wait with calm patience.


There is beauty all around us, if we only take a few seconds to look.

None of the spiders were busy. It appeared as if they’d finished all the hard work and were just hanging out to catch the sunrise.

I took these photos with an Apple 8+.


~ Rebecca


Ha, they were hanging out to catch something but I bet it wasn't the sunrise! They were hanging out waiting for an unsuspecting insect to get caught in their trap! The Bandito does not get along well with the spider...😳

Well, @bluelightbandit, neither do I...spiders seem to like the way I smell, so I can be in a crowded room with a spider in one corner and before the night is through, it will find a way to hold onto me with all of its 8 hairy legs. I wouldn’t care so much if those mofos didn’t insist on biting me too....just a wee taste sweet heart. Lolz!
So I hope you can appreciate my position that morning.
I didn’t wear the correct footwear to be doing an endo into this ditch from the embankment that I was teetering on in my high heel wedges. I envisioned myself face planted in the bottom of said ditch, completely covered in webs and 100s of spiders within seconds.
It the stuff of my nightmares, I tell you...
Got some cool photos though. Lol!

That's really good info whenever I wind up in a room with you lol.

I'm curious about what kind of spiders y'all have and if yall have any poisonous ones? In the South, we have a plethora of different species in high abundance. We only have 2 (If that ain't enough) that are really, really poisonous. The black widow and brown recluse are popular here in my area, with the black widow being more common. I've been bitten by a brown recluse but never saw it. I had to go to the dr over it and that's what he said happened. This happened back when I had a healthy immune system so I handled it well.

I could go outside right now and find a web from a black widow, they're very unique and different from others. I'm ALWAYS looking out for them bitches! Did you know that the black widow kills her mate after she has sex with him? Kinda fucked up if you ask me, but what do I know, eh? Did you know that the male black widow is non venomous and it's the female that is so toxic to us? If you didn't, now ya do! Australia has a version of our black widow, it's called a redback spider...very dangerous! Okay, enough about spiders!

Well @bluelightbandit,
Canadian women can be just like the widow...although we've be known to kill before the deed is actually completed because we can be so damn toxic to the male gender. It's all in the bite as opposed to the bark. LOL!
Here's the list of Venomous Canadian Spiders:

  • Black Widow
  • Yellow Sac (not to be confused with the Brown Recluse because they often are...allegedly.)
  • Brown Recluse
  • Wolf Spider...Wolf spiders aren't really a threat...they just make the list because they don't use webs to hunt their prey. Instead, those really hairy mofos run their prey down, just like wolves do.
    We usually call them dock spiders and they are scary looking.

Well Mrs. @rebeccaryan, I certainly know not to mess with a strong Canadian woman as yourself. I could tell that just by your text and after actually talking to you, I knew damn well not to ripple your water.

It looks like you guys have the same ones we do. I didn't even think of those yellow sac spiders, those things are everywhere down here. Cindi and I suspect that we have been bitten several times by these and just didn't know exactly what it was at the time. I've actually been looking at one and have a hard time distinguishing between it and the brown recluse.

Check out this link, it shows most of our native spiders. We get these big red marbled orb-weaver spiders really bad in the fall of the year, I hate those things! Gotta be on the look out while mowing! Sweet dreams ...😉

Who knew? So many different kinds of spiders.
Thanks for providing the great link. All the weaver spiders are really interesting to look at with their unique shapes and colours.

Yeah, they're real interesting...especially when you unsuspectingly run face first in to one while walking through the woods. #startspanicslaps #slappingfacefrantically #mancardrevoked #bitchcardissued

Hahaha! I love hash.
No really I do...#hashtaghumour

Isn't that amazing?? They spend hours creating a work of art like that and then rest upon it, waiting on a wayward insect to stumble in, or fly in as the case may be. Every living creature works for it's supper, so to speak, as we humans...well, we sometimes want other beings or governments etc to do the work and simply give us our supper.

I think I'll do a giant macrame in the backyard and wait for a cow to wander by :D

Beaver on, sista!

Beaver On gonna sing my song Hahaha!
Now I most definitely need a song to go with this.
I would choose Led Zeppelin and aim somewhere between Bring It On Home, All My Love and Ramble On.

LMFAO!!! I can see and smell your giant Jute Macrame cow catcher all the way up here in the great white north. My eyes are itchy already...

woohooo thank you!

For rockin' my house at 5 o'clock this morn!! Great song choice and man, what a way to get the day going lmao. It's gonna be a good 'un!! Hope yours is awesome, too!!

So forking sorry that I didn’t respond to this until now...couldn’t get on the forking platform for the longest forking time...but I am forking here now...just trying to get all the forking out of my head. Lmforkingao! Hahaha! Fork..

ya lmao I ate my spaghetti last night with a spoon just to break up the monotony :p

Amazing photos. Indeed, the spiders ended the hunting season. They are now resting :)

Yes, resting...we'll go with resting @magnata. LOL!

A beautiful morning captured with the spider net, spider show the architectural view of mother nature by its web.

I agree @sheikh27...the spider's web is a thing of beauty. ;)

There are so many spider nets. You took photo captures awesomely. Great work @rebeccaryan.

Thank you @dragonking! Felt like I took a fairly substantial risk, crawling down into the ditch to take the shots...I wouldn't normally make an effort to get as close to all these spiders...because well, they are spiders. Hahaha!

good morning my friend!

Good Morning to you @ahlawat!...although it's probably night time for you I will wish you a good night too. ;D

That looks absolutely magical. The best landscapes are always found at the margins of the day.

Hi @winstonalden! I couldn't agree more...the sunlight at the beginning or at the end...that's where the magik is found. ;)

Such marvelous creatures!! Some nice pics as well ;)

The fall is the time of spiders here. As soon as October comes along every trail through the woods has many many webs waiting.

It amazes me that these creatures are such accomplished architectural engineers. They understand structural support and wind force, like no other...can't compete with sacred geometry at play. :D

& when you get them hi on weed, they make much less dense but very artistic webs & sometimes quit halfway through 😂

I’ve been blowing smoke at spiders ever since I heard that

That is SOO clear !! Nice shots

So hard to show detail in a web...The spider in the big web was actually on the other side of the web in the shot. It was a steep ditch and I was wearing heels so I didn't make the effort to get on the other side because I envisioned myself laying face first in the ditch after rolling down the embankment. Then, being covered in sticky webs and multiple spiders, who then would become like sharks after they got a whiff of fresh blood...Hahaha! Yeah, that's the stuff of nightmares...and the behind the scenes of the making of a Steemit post, from my perspective. :D

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