Ultrasound technology applied in medicine

in Project HOPE3 years ago


First of all my respectful greetings to all the Hive.blog community, this time we continue to relate to the wonderful phenomenon of sound, and this time its relationship or technological application to essential areas of our development such as medicine.


As a human being it will always be of vital importance to be able to have versatile technological tools for the development of any of our activities, and even more, if these tools can be used in the care of our body health, therefore, the sound through science-technology has been of great help to know and analyze our body through the area of medicine.

In previous articles we have already been learning about some applications of sound in its different ranges or frequencies such as audible sound for humans, infrasound and ultrasound, of the latter we continue to expand its range of applications and this time we move to the essential field of medicine, where ultrasound has left its traces.

Some applications of Ultrasound in medicine

We know that any scientific-technological application towards the well-being of our body will be received by all of us in the best possible way, and this is the case of ultrasound and its valuable application in medicine, where, without a doubt, ultrasound has become an efficient tool that allows us to generate high quality images of the inside of our body.

In addition, my reader friends, they also represent a wonderful therapeutic means, where it is important to highlight that one of the most important examples of the application of ultrasonic waves is found in obstetric ultrasound.

In a very general way we can say that technology has managed to design machines that generate ultrasound, and for this, they use a piezoelectric crystal (such as quartz), where the crystal vibrates in order to generate ultrasonic sound waves intermittently, and these are transmitted through the interior of our body, where parts of these waves will be reflected when encountering an obstacle (such as some of our organs).

In relation to the above described we can continue expressing that this type of ultrasonic waves are able to propagate in those structures that have material or elastic media such as water, that is why this technique is not used in the study of bony structures (bones) or organs with significant air cavities.

Therefore, low intensity ultrasound waves, when reflected or originating echoes, generate images known as ultrasound scans or echograms, as shown in Figures 1 and 2 below.


Figure 1. Obstetrical ultrasound, ultrasound of a baby girl, image property of the author : @rbalzan79


Figure 2. 3D ultrasound of a baby, this image is property of the author :@rbalzan79

Undoubtedly my reader friends, each of us can identify with the above images, and even more if we are parents, which is why this type of ultrasound application is wonderful and very useful because it allows us to get in touch with our babies in full development when they are in the womb of their mothers.

Continuing in the field of care of our body, we can say that we find another application of ultrasound, in this case for therapeutic use, for example, the application of ultrasound to reduce the size of kidney stones, as well as for the treatment of tendinitis which is achieved through vibrations of our tissues as we can see in Figure 3 below.


Figure 3 . Ultrasound as a therapeutic tool

Therefore, each of us can be reliable witnesses of the usefulness of ultrasound in the area of medicine, and this because at any time of our existence we have used this technology or at least someone close to us, this undoubtedly makes us highlight the enormous work of the scientific-technological field for the welfare of our health body, as in this case.

Until another opportunity my dear friends, it will always be of vital importance to be able to share some kind of knowledge through this prestigious platform, and also highlighting the importance of essential phenomena such as sound and its various frequencies, as in this case the ultrasound.

Note: The images are of my authorship and were elaborated using Power Point and the animated gif was elaborated with the PhotoScape application, the images 1 and 2 are real ultrasounds of a girl, and these images are property of the author delivered by the treating physician in digital format.

Recommended Bibliographic References

[1]Physics of sound

[2]Specular and diffuse sound reflection. Author: @rbalzan79.

[3]Sound absorption. Author: @rbalzan79.

[4]Sound transmission. Author: @rbalzan79.

[5]Sound diffraction. Author: @rbalzan79.

[6]Sound refraction. Author: @rbalzan79.

[7]Acoustic or sound spectrum. Author: @rbalzan79.

[8]The human ear and sound. Author: @rbalzan79.


[10]Educating ourselves with infrasound, Some sources of generation. Author:@rbalzan79.

[11]Educating ourselves with ultrasound. Author:@rbalzan79.

[12]Educating ourselves with ultrasound / Application in navigation. Author:@rbalzan79.



Greetings friend @rbalzan.

Undoubtedly ultrasounds have led us to become more aware of the things that can be detected in them and that serve as a warning so that we can attack them in time, these advances have helped us all a lot, example of them are the pregnancies through ultrasounds we take a sequence of the whole process if the baby comes well what problems it brings to be able to attend in time.

Thank you for your article

Hola amiga @sandracarrascal.

Thanks to technological advances such as ultrasounds, humanity has been able to take care of itself in the best way possible, especially when it comes to its health and that of our babies. Thank you for sharing your nurturing comment. Greetings and many successes.

Hello @rbalzan79
The use of acoustic waves in health is of transcendental importance, the reality is that we have all been in contact with this type of technology, and it does not allow us to have a better notion of what is happening inside a body, without the need to open it.
And the destruction of kidney stones with shock waves is another great application.

Hi @josevas217.

You are absolutely right my friend, the acoustic spectrum has been of great importance in our existence, since from audible sound, infrasound and in this opportunity ultrasound have been of great use for all of us and especially in the care of our body.

Thank you for your extraordinary comment. Greetings and many successes.

Greetings friend, thanks for explaining the basis of ultrasound applied in medicine, certainly those of us who are parents recognize the images and have seen how it works, it is good to know its principles and other uses, certainly medicine has benefited greatly with this technology.

Hello dear friend, thanks to the nexus science technology man has managed to know about his body and this due to the interpretation of phenomena such as sound and all its spectrum, as is the case of ultrasound in medicine and other areas.

Thank you for your great contribution. Greetings and many successes.

Ultrasounds are for sure useful. I wrote about that in my thesis here : Ultrasounds and Hearing

That's right, ultrasound has been an excellent tool in various activities of the human being as we can see in medicine, and it is good that you have written about this topic in your thesis very interesting content.
Thank you for commenting. Greetings and many successes.

Hello! Friend, i think ultrasound has created more awareness of things that can not be easily detected in ordinary laboratory testing. This has really promoted our world entirely when compared to some centuries.

Thanks for sharing

Totally agree with you, the implementation of this acoustic spectrum has allowed us great advances in our existence especially in improving the knowledge of our own body, something really incredible. Thank you for your excellent comment. Greetings and many successes.

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