in #life7 years ago

In poker, we call it TILT. In life: BURNED OUT!.

There are certain way to know you are tilted and certain strategies to prevent it and deal with it.
In general terms "you are on TILT" any time you play under your "A" game. That's one definition that I don't really agree. In practice TILT means that you are emotionally out of control, that you have lost the realms, that your rational brain has been fried and you are now running on red-hot-emotions.

A person on Tilt might say " I can never win!" or just go all in every hand. Or you could just push your edges more aggressively than necessary or just try to beat a specific person at the table. All very stupid, not profitable behaviors. There are many types of Tilt and many way to get over it.

You could have a lapse of judgement, a momentarily emotion overcoming your decision mechanism that is fast being subdued. That's the PRO tilt, they can, with the blink of an eye, forget something ever happend. The last hand is ancient history already.
There's the TILT that most people experience, where you know you just can't take it anymore, too man bad beats for the day, too many bad hands or simply you are annoyed by stuff outside the game and affects it. Your girlfriend left your for your best friend, for example. This is the TILT that you need to recognize and walk away from the table for a day or two until you are back.

Finally, there's "LIFE TILT" where you just feel that the cards are against you and they will always be against you. It sucks and hard to describe to non-poker playing [eople. The very intense, very real sensation of having a target on your back....

I tell you all this to get that TILT is a lot like being BURNED OUT. Which I am. The Crypto world finally got to me. I dunno what happened, I guess at some point, even I could not follow my own advice.
I checked my Blockfolio too often, I followed the hype trains, the pumps and the dumps. OH, the dumps. I got stuck hodling some shitcoins that went down the drain when I KNEW I shoudl have sold. And generally the market was a depressing sight lately. It created a envirnoment of bears that slowly, like the chinese water torture, every day, a new drop falls on your head...every damn day. Until you finally go crazy.

So many things happened in the crypto world in the lsat month, fast, one after another, a constant stream of news - good and bad - and a TON of ICOs. Ico after ico breaking record after record and opportunities after opportunities all blurred together in something that became, to my mind, unfollowable, unreadable. trash. A whitepaper blending into the next one. Who can tell anything apart?

The drop that did it for me was missing on EOS sale. It was one of the ICOs that I really looked forward to but then, I got analysis paralysis. I started to doubt and I could not see the forest from the trees anymore. I am not even sure now that I made the right decision but I certainly missed a few important things too. Because I'm not playing my "A" game. I feel tired.
I feel unfocused.

Am I the only one? ( Probably not :) )

Been asking around and many people seem to feel the same. It's time to take a step back and take a breather. Walk away from the table for a little while, drink some water, go swim, take a mini-holiday. You'll be back as new, they say, they said, I was like "nah". But...

I am going to try to make some changes. Get back into reading more. I always felt that reading is the most relaxing thing in the world. I realized I read less in the last 3 months than ever before. Too many hours spent on crypto-news...

I want to get back in the gym. And leave my phone in the locker room. I sorely missed the gym time lately and even when I went, I felt that my mind was somehwere else. Presence. Presence is a gift.

I'll finally re-start my meditation practice.

And I hope to get to write more around here. Writing always calms me. Just like writing this here, already make me feel better. Everything is clearer now.

Thank you for reading, share with me your experience on this and any advice you might have.



Hang in there man. Sounds like you need a good brain candy book. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Iron_Druid_Chronicles

Just food for thought: Past is done, unless you find a time machine. So let it pass and make some new things.

One of my favorite series I have ever read! I always look forward to the new releases. I miss Oberon!

oh wow! Thanks for this! I was looking for a new book...I'll give it a go!!



Btw I grind, or should I say, did grind a lot for the past 10years...

Mostly PLO50 and up to 200, did a few blow ups at 1k ...long story short... You do not know as man, the kinda tilt Omaha gives you.. My friend, you haven't seen TILT before!

But I'm sure you did hahah prob more than me...

As a poker player if you don't make it "BIG"... you broke one day, and rich the other... The way it goes... 10years of my life was a TILT kinda hahahah..

NOW I FOUND Steemit and I'm happy:)

Seen poker back 29days ago.. Since I'm on Steemit, I'm "clean" hahah

Less drama if you ask your Steemit MAMA:)

giphy (15).gif

Just wanna put a smile on your face, hope you get trough it ! When it comes to money, everything is a tilt big time! Put stay positive always... To be at your "A" game ;)

I am low on power so take my donation as an UPvote;)

nice comment :D
damn just seen the donation really no need man!!!

Ah no problem! I am all about supporting:)

Specially if the aliens come...
Feel free to check me out (No Homo:) @kid4life

  • Am I the only one? ( Probably not :) )

I hear ya. I had a bad day yesterday but today I woke up and just thought fuck it

I instantly felt better. :0)

If we don't say fuck it often, something is wrong isn't it?!?!?

Dude - I know exactly what you are saying! I'm going to start having steemventions for people and force them to step away from steemit/crypto for atleast a full 24 hours per week.

I had to do an intervention on myself a couple weeks back and took a full 24 hours. I had not seen the gym in nearly 2 months after always going regularly.

TILT is real! I know it in poker, steemit and life. Those moments can become expensive too!

I dunno, for me steemit is the relaxation..we come back here to share out victories, lick our wounds, see what's up...

Tilt usually comes when you "play"out of bankroll.
Do you find yourself thinking "if this coin goes on a 500% + streak I'm gonna buy this and that "? Do you trade above what you're comfortable with ?

:))) haha, dunno if you know but I am./was a pro poker player. I am waaaaaaaay past the "out of bankroll" phase :)

Take a break bro, chill out and get away from it all for a while. Crypto abduction is a real phenomena, where mental and physical fatigue cause the costliest of errors.

Don't worry about missing the latest train, another one will be along before you know it; crypto isn't going anywhere, anytime soon.

Be good to yourself so that you can stay on the ball and make the most of this amazing opportunity. Getting a healthy balance is vital to surviving and thriving in this game :)

I'm honestly thinking I should be barefoot in a wood and just look at trees for a ew hours...

@razvanelulmarin I love being among the trees. It's like the stress melts off. Even better if i can have a small fire too.

Better to be an investor. Play the patience game. Stick to fundamentals. Unless youre single, young and have no kids or family around..then its doable if you have a lot to speculate with. Better to build up businesses and revenue channels steadily and let it take the time it takes. Like with steemit. I see so many people complaining and giving up after posting ten posts. Good luck with whatevet youre going for next :)

Yeah, people definitely give up too fast on steemit and you are right: the investing mindset is the best but sometimes difficult when the markets are signing...

It never hurts to take a break. Crypto and trying to analyze and predict the markets can be a recipe for insanity and analysis paralysis.

that's nice. Never give up, just have some breaks

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