Act of kindness

in #life6 years ago

I'm watching a documentary on Andre the Giant - which is awesome! go see it - and one of the things that come again and again is that Andre was a kind man. Everyone speaks highly of him and more importantly, has a story of an act of his that touched them or you know, was worthy of re-telling.


And this leads me to think that hey, I think of myself deep down as very interested in being kind. In my own maybe skewed way I try to constantly be kind to people. I am not even referring to people close to me, I'm taking with all kind of people. Just small random acts of kindness.

Thing is though, I'm not very successful in being perceived as such. If I die tomorrow ( and I might ) I don't think anyone would describe me as "kind" or have stories of what I did for them or whatever. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not doing it for glory or praise but if no one remembers, it's clear that the intent have not met a good application.

It's a bit sad to me cause I feel I just don't have enough opportunities to exercise kindness in my life and manufacturing opportunities seems to work less than ideal. Misunderstand, cynicsm, skepticism all make any kind of kindness to pale in some presumed "ulterior motives". I get that. Probably for good reason.

Still, I want to keep looking for opportunities and try to exercise intent in kindness. Maybe if I keep the mindset at the top of my conscious I'll do more or better. Meanwhile, I still have some books to gift and some good words to share.

I leave you with this:

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