
Player 3

Action 1: Using the CZ-550, shoot at the Hulk to the South. Roll 2 = fail.
Action 2: Try again. Roll 2 = fail.
Action 3: Try again. Roll 3 = fail.

Well THAT was disappointing! I was looking forward to writing about how you blew big holes into those zombies with the CZ-550.

Damn. Looks like player 1 will need to do something about that hulk. I just hope it doesn't come towards me :p
I don't have any melee weapon to get rid of it :p

Well, Player 1 was prepared to use a Molotov if necessary. However, it is always satisfying to use those on a mob of zombies after opening a door.

Yeah. I was hoping to make him use that on a tougher situation :D

I think, I will go for another search next round for a melee weapon :)

Good idea. I would too if I were you.

Don't worry, I'm taking them all out!!!! in one turn if I am lucky!!

I see u did it all by yourself !! :D
What are you ?

Protagonist from "Into the dead" android game ? :D


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