Basic communication is becoming a lost art - how to reclaim it

in #life7 years ago

I experienced lack of communication first hand today. It wasn’t the first time, though. As my communication skills have deepened and broadened it seems the world has slowly immersed into a little shell of insularity. I was shopping in Morrisons earlier and I passed one of the Mums in my kids class at School, I had recognised her instantly because Alex has a certain fondness for her child. Did she acknowledge me though? I think not, and let me be clear on this, I don’t blame her for this momentary act of defiance; of course I don’t. It’s the way the world is ten times over, and not in a good way.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I blame the media. I blame marketers that constantly tell us we need the golden goose to make all our dreams come true; that without it we would exist as nothing, be nothing, and be looked at as nothing. We’re all broken and need fixed; we need the next miracle cure to be well again.

Whatever happened to being happy as you are?

And then there’s technology, and whilst it’s a hard passion of mine I also recognise the waste it’s laying to basic communication between our human brethren. People no longer stop and chat for long periods of time, enjoying the deep bonding sessions that come with such an event; it’s all about Facebook, or twitter, or the next social media rage. Snapchat perhaps. I hear that’s popular with the younger ones.

I had a friend once that came over to stay all the way from Scotland, and all we did for that night was chat to each other over Facebook, no basic communication, or at least very little. This type of behaviour is having a detrimental effect on or health, wellbeing and mental health.

There’s a very apparent focus on ourselves in today’s age; you can see it with our Facebook feeds creating a hall of echoes whispering back to us our own opinions, the emphasis on sharing your thoughts but not taking the time to listen to what anyone else has to say, and the abhorrent marketer trying to meet every one of our needs, singling us out, emphasising our own needs above anyone else’s, and sometimes creating unhealthy competition.

We are bitterly selfish and toxically unaware of others right now. Admit it. Go on, when was the last time you checked in with one of your friends to ask how they are? I’ll be the first to put my hand up. I try, but I know it’s not good enough.

So where do we stand in our relationship values because of this? In pretty dire need of some serious intervention that’s for sure. We exist as a throw away culture; rather than focus on what needs to be built upon we throw it away and start afresh. Who needs to worry in investing in deep and meaningful relationships when over a thousand matches are only a click away on Tinder. Who needs to worry about building deep bonds with another person and working through the grief; because I kid you not, a relationship isn’t easy, when one can just trash it and make a beeline for the nearest Facebook app and join one of a zillion dating groups.

Even the people that do try, the people that give it a hard effort, a good attempt at making a relationship win, we’re so overpowered with instant gratification over the last ten years it makes that effort double hard. We can order a Pizza online in thirty minutes, purchase a car in an instant and have it tomorrow; imagine our complete frustration and utter contempt for ourselves when a bond with another person takes years to nurture.

People just don’t listen, and they want it now! Or before now, and they want to listen to themselves speak. Facebook has completely capitalised on that. You. The more it can centre everything around you, the more popular it will become and the more isolated you will feel. Watch this space.

But all is not lost. We can stop it before it truly takes hold.

If we truly take a step back from all that’s going on right now in Politics, the news, TV and around the world. I mean stop and take a good long, hard and cold look at ourselves, truly. Then we’ll see that everything is centred around us personally right now. Everything. Everyone is angry at how things will affect them but no-one has stopped recently to smell the roses; to take a moment to pause and truly take in what’s happening. Listen. See that there are actually others around you with real problems that are wildly different to yours. It may seem hard at first; it was for me! But the problems of the world are real and diverse and I’m still finding people with new problems that I’ve never heard of before.

It’s always really hard looking at life through another person’s perspective but to do so you can enrich yourselves with life’s little awesome experiences. Message your friends, talk to them about their woes, strife and happiness. Forget about your issues for a while, don’t bring them up, just listen. It may not seem interesting at first but it will in time!

Learn that you ARE the centre of the universe

Everything that you, I, your friends and your colleagues do in this life is a personal reflection on how they feel inside. This writing may seem entirely for your benefit, but I get a big personal gain from doing this. It makes me feel that I matter. To someone, anyone. Everything in our lives are to benefit ourselves in some way or another. Learn that doing quality things for yourself is actually a good thing, and that by treating yourself better and having better hopes and dreams for yourself will reflect better on your friend circle. The more you concentrate on facing your own demons the better your outside view of the world will be.

Imagine it like this:

If I was a happy person and had very little anger inside then there would be no anger to use on anyone else. Only love and forgiveness.

If I was an angry person, perhaps from a broken relationship or a traumatic childhood, then there would be no happiness to use on anyone else. Only what I know. Anger

And that’s the way internal reflection works. Heal the demon inside and view the world as a better place, be a better person.

Once you have Internal reflection kicked then you’re able to actively listen better! You’ll know the journeys and paths others must take themselves to be better.

An art that I started practising four years ago; giving lovingly without expecting a return. It’s a humongous self-gratifying experience, to give without want of return. Whenever I do this I walk away feeling really good as a huge boost of self-worth, that I am helping society. People will gravitate towards you, you will be seen in better light by others and it will help your self-confidence. You may be thinking this is selfless, but on the other hand it is still selfish, because I give for a reason – it gives me an immense feeling of self-worth inside.

Just don’t expect anything back, ever. As soon as you walk down the path of others ‘owing you’ something then it’s not giving freely. It’s giving with attachment, which is sometimes necessary in some situations, but as I said; try giving without attachment and watch your own personal self-worth skyrocket.

Giving has been an eye-opening experience for me. Through giving without want of return I’ve met a tonne of new people, realised that my view of life was quite limited, and that problems and successes are diverse and life-spanning to understand them all.

Learn from others, give openly and listen.

Don’t take things so personally

Hard to do, I know, but if you’re in a relationship, be that friendship, business relationship or intimate relationship then sometimes you have to open the doors to criticism. Even if it’s hurtful. I once had a colleague that told me my entire Project was shit and it wouldn’t take off. She was right, and luckily, I listened to her before I made the moves to launch my services. Sometimes we have to open our minds to those little judgements. It might be REALLY hard to hear others slighting your persona / work / friendship but often there’s an element of truth to what they are saying.

Forget Facebook and its constant chamber of hearing your own thoughts and ideas sounded back to you; opt for people to judge you, your work, your personality. Hear opposing views, take them on board, don’t get offended! Listen to what people have to say.

Especially if it’s your intimate partner.

And breath. Don’t forget to relax!

Try some Yoga.


I bought a ticket for my now ex husbands little brother to fly up and stay with us for a week. He hadn't seen his brother and father in a decade, and I had never met him. At the time, we lived on the Pacific in a gorgeous happy cliche' beachhouse.

Picked TJ up from the airport, drove two hours home. Then came dinner and bed as he was exhausted from the trip.

The following 6 days he left the computer to sleep. He brought his meals to the computer desk. He said his wife didn't allow him to be on the computer much, so he played Diablo and was on facebook, communicating with his brother all day yes, but on the computer- my then spouse was on the computer in the basement. I had to get creative and served a dinner on the beach- I still hadn't talked with my brother in law and wanted to get to know him! TJ ran back to the computer after inhaling his meal...

He never got to see the PNW- I had a cool little untoury ArbitraryKitten style tour all planned out... Or experience the ocean, didn't go out in the boat. He didn't leave the house. I don't think he ever went downstairs, either...

It was very disheartening. And quite frankly, rude.

I suppose I would have gotten to know him if I was into spending elaborate times on Diablo and facebook...

Wow, that's scary. That's really scary; but I think it's what the world is coming to, existing as.

Whenever I go out I try and leave my phone at home, I've left Facebook, and I only use the computer when I'm working (which is sadly most of the day at the moment), I'm trying to limit my screen time as much as possible for the fear of turning into what you've just described. I'm luckily an age where I can remember a childhood of climbing trees, jumping in lakes, and making dens, so there's still hope for me. That and the wife is a technophobe, so she gets super angry when she's trying to talk to me and I give her the computer grunt, it keeps me on my toes.

I have a friend, he was a computer geek well before the internet was even invented. He would forgo tree climbing to sit on his computer as a kid, as you've probably guessed there's no hope for him now lol

It is an addiction. And one more and more people are succumbing to.

The first time I felt old was from telling the kids to get off the video games and go play outside lol! Why should I have felt old by saying that?!!

When I was little there were no girls around in my California home- all rancher boys. I grew up running the hills! I was riding horses before I could walk! I would leave after breakfast and know I had to be home before the sun went down...

Of course it was a safer world back then...

Not too sure if it was safer back then, just that we weren't aware of the dangers as much as we are now. That and mass hysteria. I had a friend take a picture of an old man on the bus who smiled and talked to her young boy and call him a paedo on facebook. Old people love young kids, it reminds them of a time when they were young. Anyway, I think hysteria has a lot to do with it. Also, there's more danger, ie.e more cars on the road and more people, perhaps that means more predators.

It is an addiction. I knew about Internet addiction before I was fully aware of my own issues, I had been researching that stuff for years, trying to believe that I wasn't one, but I am. There are actually people that are employed in companies to make apps 'addictive' it's mental.

Oh my gosh. That poor man...

My son's basketball coach has voiced the fact he hates what society has done. They can't even pat the kids on the shoulder after a tragic loss. Or when a kid has bad home problems and confides in his trusted coach he has developed a good relationship with... And all the coaches are background checked and have kids of their own that attend the same school and play on the league. They have been coaching and teaching for years...

It's sick. We all need human touch. It's a basic human right that is being taken from us.

At what cost?

It is literally insane. I actually really 'fear' touching another kid in any way for retribution from some crazy Mum. People need to be aware but not crazy paranoid. I have a Dads instinct and when I see a crying kid I want to go up and talk to him / her - but I fear that. I actually really do

That's what the coach was trying to convey. He has an instinct to comfort. But he can't. It's sad.

Hi @raymondspeaks, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

I would stand and clap for this, but of course you would not be able to hear me...

So much seems lost these days. Maybe it's just because I have grown old, but whatever happened to the days of "coming over for coffee?" I watch groups of kids sit at McDonalds and text each other instead of talking... and when they do talk it's more likely monosyllabic grunting than actual conversation.

So here we sit, trapped between instant gratification and twitter... my wife and I are practically seen as "strange" because we actually might spend hours in daily conversation on the back porch, discussing life and the meaning for everything... in a world where the average married couple engage each other for an average of seven minutes per day.

I don't know what the future holds...

Wow. 7 minutes?? Surely that's a bit exagerrated? If it's not then no wonder people are divorcing left right and centre!

True, Technology has become a necessary evil. I really feel bad looking at the kids playing video games rather that hanging out friends and playing some games.

I think a balance is good. There's nothing wrong with video games (I play them too) but a good balance between human contact and the computer helps

Exactly,when i was a kid used to play Cricket, Football, Table Tennis etc(along with video games). But I don't find the same with today's generation. I see kids playing games with there elder's cell phone all the time. And these technology can also lead to some disorder later stage of their life.

I struggle when trying to talk to important people, but if I talk to someone like I know them I do great.

Then realize no human is that important.

We are all evolved animals existing upon a strange rock around a star.

The concept of important humans is laughable.

This is true. An important human is a lie devised by a corrupt society that gains from such an idea being bestowed on people. The Queen still shits on the toilet! She is no less human or important than you or I. That goes for anyone in the public eye.

Brilliant thought :) you are right Dont forget to relax! :)

Communication is two way and not a sounding board, for one's own opinions.

I don't get that? Can you elaborate? Thanks :)

Some people have a self opinionated attitude. You pick it up when you converse with them. Only interested how you see them and are really not interested in you at all! Never listen to you with a heartfelt
caring attitude.

I know a good few people like that. I lived with one as a housemate. I was like living with an energy sucker!! lol

I have also had to learn to listen more to people and not talk too much!

Good post! Technology certainly has it downfalls in addition to it making our lives "simpler".

Is simpler better though? :)

I loved this post! I ran into an acquaintance in the grocery store recently and we talked for quite some time. Now we are older 60+ and no longer on Facebook. We both found that being on Facebook caused us to spend less time with real people and we were becoming lonelier and more isolated. So for what it is worth my input from the other end of the life path.

It's true. There's absolutely nothing wrong with using Facebook once in a while to catch up with family. I left Facebook a month ago and since then I've felt intensely more connected with the word.

It's so sad to see the people around us, they sit together to enjoy coffee, but they do not communicate intensely with each other, they are engrossed in their own gadgets. and I agree with you that we’re all broken and need fixed; we need the next miracle cure to be well again, but the big question was how can we get that miracle cure? thanks for sharing a useful post.

That's the thing though, we don't - we're fine as we are :)

I hope so. Nice to hear that.

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