Shivom - New Technologies Aiding Healthcare

in #ico6 years ago

Ineffective Use of Healthcare Data
One of the many problems with today’s healthcare system is that the data we provide is often times isolated and stored in a way that it is not effectively used to benefit the public’s medical needs. This also creates an issue for the healthcare providers as they are not able to conduct the necessary tests and cannot develop drugs.

Another thing is that the majority of the drugs that are tested on humans are not actually approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). That’s one of the main things that really got me thinking. What’s more, once you provide your healthcare data, you can be sure that the industrial giants can and will make profit off of it. They will sell it worldwide for big sums of money and what part of that are you getting. That’s right- zero.

Today databases are mainly centralized which means that they have multiple access points and that leaves them vulnerable to hacks and breaches. Not to mention that the centralized databases actually increase the cost of healthcare since a patient would have to go through a number of mediators to finally get to the needed institution.

So the end result is that we have a health system that is ineffective, expensive and not exactly secure.

Shivom Has a Solution
Shivom aims to remedy all of the problems that the current healthcare system is faced with. What the people from this project are planning to do is to create and develop the world’s largest genomics datahub and healthcare platform. They will be combining two new technologies to succeed with this. One of them is genomics and the other one is the blockchain technology. Blockchain will help the project to develop better security of data as it is decentralized.

That means that it is distributed, shared and maintained by not just one party but by many so any attempts at breaching its security will be futile. New records can only be added if all of the parties agree to that. The records are cryptograohically linked to each other so that makes it pretty much impossible for only one party to make any changes to previous records.

When using the platform to store your healthcare data, you will have the opportunity to have only intended users to have access to it. That will be made possible by using the “Public Key Cryptography”. The platform allows for a public key which can be disseminated to everyone and a private key which will be known only to the owner. Both keys can be used to encrypt a certain message but in that case the other one must decrypt it.

Other Positive Outcomes
That process is almost equivalent to giving your signature. The team of Shivom believes that your healthcare data is yours and yours only and that you should be able to control who uses it and what for. Using the blockchain technology, the project is able to provide maximum security and transparency. The platform also has its currency within the Shivom ecosystem that is meant to power it and help with its development. The token is called OmiX.

And one of the main things that the platform does is that it eliminates all mediators which brings down the costs of healthcare immensely.

Shivom’s datahub will not be governed by nation states. Rather, the aim is that it will be available around the world and operated by allied institutions in many countries. After all, the point is that the platform is decentralized. The company will also be based on legal frameworks and in that way it will be able to ensure a sustainable healthcare service. Shivom also plans to establish a non-profit organization globally.

Personally I think that this is one of the most innovative projects I have seen in a while. The idea to combine blockchain with genomics seems to promise a lot of benefits to patients worldwide and gives the opportunity for better research and tests that might someday allow for the treatment of some major diseases like cancer, schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s. Shivom aims to be accessible to everyone everywhere as the people behind the project believes that all human beings have the right to accessible and affordable healthcare.

“Awesome project!” ,“ Wish the project success” ,“A strong team”- these are just a few of the many comments I have seen on the Facebook of Shivom. People are very happy that such a project is developing and cannot wait to see how it will be implemented. It has been given five out of five stars and has more than 2, 300 followers and 2,200 people who liked it.

No wonder that the perception is good since the team are uploading daily and make sure to give us all the information about how the project is doing and at what stage it is at any given moment. That gives a sense of involvement and shows just how transparent the whole thing is.

On Twitter Shivom has over 40 thousand followers and the situation is pretty much the same there as well. What I like the most is that the platform even has an Instagram page where they have posted pictures of all the events that they have been to and some very inspiring pictures from their visit to India.

The Team
The core team of Shivom consists of six people. When I say core team I mean the co-founders of the company. Here I will mention all of them not only because they are co-founders but because I believe every one of them has something special that they’ve given the team.

First up is Axel Schumacher who is the acting CEO of the company. The man has over 20 years of leadership experience in genomics, epigenetics etc. Axel applies scientific discoveries into real life and in that way aids the better understanding and early diagnosis of diseases. He actually has a PhD in Human Genetics so it is quite clear that the man knows what he is doing.

Next up we have Gourish Singla who comes from a background in investment banking and wealth management. He brought an amazing revenue in his last venture and that happened in a very competitive market. Gourish has also three successful companies under his belt before he got involved with Shivom.

Then we have Sally Eaves who, mind you, also has a PhD and is the acting CMO of the company. She actually has an award for a thought leader in innovation, digital transformation and emergent technology. Sally is also a member of the Forbes Technology Council and has contributed a number of publications.

The next person on the core team that definitely deserves some attention is Per Lind. His role within the company is CSO but this is simply a title as the man contributes to Shivom more than we will ever know. He is a leader in Social Media Management Soulutions and has worked with IKEA, Carlsberg and many other global companies. His vision is that he will change the world through Experience Management.

Akash Gaurav is CTO of Shivom and is also a blockchain expert. He is actually the man who started India’s very first blockchain company when he was still at university. The name of that company might be familiar to you- Auxexis- as it is among the top 100 blockchain companies in the world.

And, of course, last but not least we have Kumar Gaurav who is the Chief Technology Advisor of the company and has been involved with some of the finest fin-tech businesses on a global scale. He is one of the people that lead the evolution of blockchain.

We can see that all of these people have a lot of experience and interesting professional backgrounds that have lead up to this amazing project called Shivom. They are all very devoted and proud with what the company is aiming to achieve.

The roadmap shows us all of the ambitious things that Shivom is trying to achieve. We can see that it is quite the long roadmap and there is a lot yet to be done but the company has managed to cross out a lot of important points. It really is amazing to see how the project will be developing and all the extraordinary things that it has in store for the future.

Considering that the idea was born just at the end of the year 2016 it really is quite impressive how much they have been able to do so far. What I am really excited to see that they have planned to happen in 2019 is the opening of the first genomics service unit. I believe that is one of the most important things for this company and I am very optimistic that it will take off immediately.

First up is Axel Schumacher who is the acting CEO of the company. The man has over 20 years of leadership experience in genomics, epigenetics etc. Axel applies scientific discoveries into real life and in that way aids the better understanding and early diagnosis of diseases. He actually has a PhD in Human Genetics so it is quite clear that the man knows what he is doing.

Next up we have Gourish Singla who comes from a background in investment banking and wealth management. He brought an amazing revenue in his last venture and that happened in a very competitive market. Gourish has also three successful companies under his belt before he got involved with Shivom.

Then we have Sally Eaves who, mind you, also has a PhD and is the acting CMO of the company. She actually has an award for a thought leader in innovation, digital transformation and emergent technology. Sally is also a member of the Forbes Technology Council and has contributed a number of publications.

The next person on the core team that definitely deserves some attention is Per Lind. His role within the company is CSO but this is simply a title as the man contributes to Shivom more than we will ever know. He is a leader in Social Media Management Soulutions and has worked with IKEA, Carlsberg and many other global companies. His vision is that he will change the world through Experience Management.

Akash Gaurav is CTO of Shivom and is also a blockchain expert. He is actually the man who started India’s very first blockchain company when he was still at university. The name of that company might be familiar to you- Auxexis- as it is among the top 100 blockchain companies in the world.

And, of course, last but not least we have Kumar Gaurav who is the Chief Technology Advisor of the company and has been involved with some of the finest fin-tech businesses on a global scale. He is one of the people that lead the evolution of blockchain.

We can see that all of these people have a lot of experience and interesting professional backgrounds that have lead up to this amazing project called Shivom. They are all very devoted and proud with what the company is aiming to achieve.

The roadmap shows us all of the ambitious things that Shivom is trying to achieve. We can see that it is quite the long roadmap and there is a lot yet to be done but the company has managed to cross out a lot of important points. It really is amazing to see how the project will be developing and all the extraordinary things that it has in store for the future.

Considering that the idea was born just at the end of the year 2016 it really is quite impressive how much they have been able to do so far. What I am really excited to see that they have planned to happen in 2019 is the opening of the first genomics service unit. I believe that is one of the most important things for this company and I am very optimistic that it will take off immediately.

The Website
When you go to the Shivom website you feel like you are stepping into the future. The whole layout and interface of the platform really give the impression that a lot of work and hopes have been put not only into the website but into the project itself as well. Every bit of information is easily accessible and you don’t really need to put a lot of effort to find what you need.

I would say it is very professional and well made. If you have any questions that have not been answered by the website, you can always chat with the team and get the info directly from them. I really like the little sentiment at the bottom of the page where there is a picture of the team with some kids from India which really shows you that these people actually care and want to make the world a better place.

The Whitepaper
The whitepaper with its 50 something pages is extremely detailed and makes sure that all of the information is there for you to read and understand. Understanding it is really not an issue as it is written in a very good way so as to not confuse you or mislead you in any way.

It has graphics and charts for better illustration of everything that is written and I found that very helpful as it is sometimes difficult to simply imagine things. I am also very happy to see that there is detailed information about all of the team members- core members or otherwise and they are all given a spotlight in this whitepaper. You can also see the roadmap which is probably the only thing missing in the website.

ICO details
As I mentioned before, the platform has its own token- OmiX. It will be the thing that powers the Shivom ecosystem and will be needed for all of the transactions that will happen on the platform. The users will be able to us the tokens to access all healthcare products and services that Shivom provides. All of the active parties on the platform will be required to use the utility tokens.

For all of the token holders there are many benefits that are described in the whitepaper. There is no information about the hardcap or softcap of the company but the private sale is currently open and on fire.

I really like this project and I think that combining genomics and blockchain is one of the greatest things that have happened recently. The project aims to make healthcare that much more accessible and above all secure. People will be able to store their healthcare data and have complete control over it thanks to blockchain technology.

The public seems to be really happy with how the company is evolving and the people are not shy to share their excitement about this project. Exploring the team’s backgrounds we were able to see that they are all nothing short of ambitious, fully dedicated and they really care about making the world a better place with this amazing platform that they have developed. The Shivom roadmap show us all of the plans that the company has and how they will further develop and improve.

I wish them all the luck in the world and I cannot wait to see them become the giants that I know they can become. This project is inspiring and really has people’s best interests at hand and there is nothing more important than that so I fully support them.

Whitepaper link:

Website link:

Bitcointalk username: Funmilola

Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1235825

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