Why we use Markdown and what is the importance of using Markdown

in Steem Alliance2 years ago
Assalamu Alaikum / Adabah🤝

Hello friends, how are you all? Hope everybody is healthy. I am also very good in your prayers.I am rayhan111,from Rajshahi division of Bangladesh.


The number of users of Steem platform is increasing day by day. And good quality bloggers are also important for Steem platform. We who are blogging, if we want to survive on Steem platform for a long time, we have to be a quality blogger. In fact we bloggers need to know Steem well to advance our careers. We have to change a lot of things in the post. A good blogger's post will be of high quality and the quality of the post will be very good. And to increase this quality in the post, he should learn the use of markdown to make the post attractive. By using markdown, the quality of the post increases and the post looks very beautiful.

What is markdown
Markdown is a text format for making writing interesting. In fact, we who want to present the writing in our post beautifully. Markdown is used to increase the beauty of the post writing. Through this markdown, the writing can be presented beautifully. Suppose I gave the exam and my friend gave the exam, the better we can present this exam paper, the more marks we will get. If we write the same text in a normal way, then if another person makes marks around it to make it a little more interesting and presents it more beautifully, then he will definitely get more marks. Similarly, if we make our posts interesting, then the curators will like this post. So we use Markdown to make our posts attractive.So we use Markdown to make our posts attractive and present them beautifully.

Why use Markdown
We can use markdown to present the text of our post beautifully and to highlight certain points in the text. Through this markdown, we can make certain text bold and italic. In this way, we can make the post beautiful by using markdown. If we want to make the heading of our writing a little bigger, we can do it through the use of markdown. We can add photos between the writing through markdown and take the photos to the right or left as needed. We can use markdown to make our posts more attractive and visually appealing. So Markdown is very useful and important for blogging or content.

So friends, I hope you all know why to use Markdown and how to use Markdown. So we will use the medium of markdown to make our post interesting and to present the writing of the post in an interesting and beautiful way. Proper use of Markdown will make our posts look great. And we must use it properly. Markdown cannot be used in such a place. Markdown should be used where beauty will increase. Later, I will bring you how to use markdown to make our posts more beautiful. Until today, I will appear again later. Until then, everyone will be well, stay healthy, this prayer remains.🙏🙏

Thanks Everyone💖🌹💖



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