Permanent Revolution Round 3steemCreated with Sketch.

in #libertarian6 years ago (edited)

The last 2 days I discussed what I call permanent revolution within the Libertarian movement. By this I don’t mean Revolution with arms, but Revolution with words, with education. Revolution Against the idea of Statism, which has hold of the peoples minds across the world. This idea that if something is wrong, we ask others through the state to take responsibility for it, rather than taking individual or community responsibility for the problem. When I say community responsibility I do not mean community by force, I mean for example, my community sometimes has garbage on the sides of the roads, and sometimes I hope on Facebook and let people know I’ll be out picking up trash, and if anyone in the community wants to help I’d appreciate it, and they show up.

So I don’t think everyone is cut out for the Permanent Revolution of education. Maybe they don’t have time cause they work hard to take care of their family, maybe they don’t feel comfortable in public speaking. Everyone has their talents right. So what can you do?

Ron Paul used to answer this when young people would ask him if they should get into politics. He’d say “do something”. If you are moving liberty forward you are doing something right? There are tons of educators, great educators, or liberty out there. Ron Paul, Tom Woods, Jason Stapleton, Tim Preuss, Scott Horton, Lew Rockwell, Remso Republic, The Libertarian Party,,,, and many many other people and organizations fight for liberty education every day. If you don’t feel education is your talent, we’ll support these organizations financially. Send people to them, I can assure you they will do a great job leading them toward liberty.

Permanent Revolution like the Ron Paul Revolution is a mind set. One which continually says, “we can win, we can over come the status quo, we can bring liberty to the masses, we can end the warfare state, we can challenge the minds of all those who look to the state first and to themselves second.”

When we get an inch, we fight for another inch. Permanent Revolution! We will create a culture of challenging peoples pre-conceived ideas and norms of how they look at government in their lives. Create a culture of education, a culture of being involved in bringing our message to the masses. Finally we will seek to infiltrate the elected political positions, to tear down the eyesore which is called the Federal Government. We will begin the demolition, by setting the people into right positions to make it happen. Like a demolition crew places explosives in the right places, our elected demolition crew will place the explosives in the right place to rid us of the over burdensome federal bureaucracy that continues to infringe upon our freedoms.

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The problem with revolution is that it is too easy to become the new authoritarians if you win, even if you begin with good principles. Political action is antithetical to real revolution. We need to be free today in spite of the State, rather than beg the State for permission to be free.

So this is fine! Do what you do, I agree. I am talking about mass education of the population against statism. I am saying if you can support liberty minded people who are out there working their asses off to win hearts and minds we do well. If you decided to fight the fight also, and educate people you do well.
No one educated more people than Ron Paul with regards to an introduction to liberty. A political campaign, that is against what lots of libertarians agree with, and it introduces hundreds of thousands to a new message, then they end up down the anarchy rabbit hole, and they are gone, never to support another candidate again.
Permanent Revolution is continuously attacking the state. Never submitting, never sitting out. Always educating.

And there is no better way to educate people than to demonstrate the advantages of being free in the here and now!

Cryptocurrency and the internet are incredible examples of tools we have today to help educate the masses.

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