Harvesting Holy Basil...also known as Tulsi. The incomparable one!

in #dtube6 years ago

Hello @dtube and Steem Blockchain!!!! Today...I'm harvesting Holy Basil...in my backyard food forest. The first hard frost should be here soon so we are gathering up any last herbs we can find... for drying.

Holy basil, also known as tulsi...and MANY other names...is one of my absolute favorite herbs to grow and ingest. We take the dried leaves and use them as a warm tea in the evening...after a long day. Drinking this tea absolutely affects my body....in beautiful ways. I am able to sleep more deeply and wind down into sleep MUCH easier. Not many plants I've found that can do that so effectively ...and over long periods of time. I have been using and growing tulsi for over ten years now. She is sacred to me. Just growing her...and being next to as she grows .....is a felt and special experience for me. I'll be working in the garden...and swoop by and grab a leaf...as i'm walking....and put the leaf in my mouth just suck on the leaf. Instant JOY and CALM! The taste and feeling on the tongue unlike many plants...IS FELT immediately.

Please...if you are growing this herb in your part of the world, I would LOVE to see it!!!! Please post your images/posts below so I can curate and enjoy your posts! THANK YOU!!!! I have a feeling that some of you watching this...just may live amongst large tulsi plantations in areas around the world!

If you would like to try growing tulsi(which i HIGHLY recommend) you can source seeds here: i recommend the mixed cultivars...as some are sweet and some more musky in smell and taste. ALL of them are worth tasting and growing!!!!! Amrita, Krisha, Rama and Vana varieties: https://strictlymedicinalseeds.com/product/tulsi-seed-set-5-seed-packets-krishna-amrita-rama-vana-temperate/

If you cannot grow tulsi but still want to try it....I recommend this brand of tea from Organic India. I LOVE THIS TEA!!!! https://shop.organicindiausa.com/Tulsi-Original/p/OIN-500000&c=OrganicIndia@Tulsi@Bags

Many great books out there...and many great videos on Tulsi. I recommend them ALL!!!!! I can't testify enough about this herb. I grow it every year she re seeds herself happily..even in this climate zone. If i could only grow three plants....TULSI would be one of them.

Thanks for watching today dtube family!!! We will be back again tomorrow! Cheers to our food freedoms! D-FOOD and D-TUBE!!!!!!

▶️ DTube

It is quite available in my country as well especially when I go to visit my grandparents in village.

Tulsi is indeed quite famous as well in my side of the world. If I get in touch with them soon I sure will share with you all.

Nice usage of the backyard buddy.

thanks brother @rehan12 !!!!! i must admit...when i made this video..i was hoping that you would see it and know of tulsi growing in your area!!! i almost mentioned you by name..and should have!!! :) my goodness bro, that would make such an amazing @dtube video !!!!!!! i have scoured the internet looking for good videos on such plants as tulsi and the tea plant...and here you are living among them!!!!! absolutely inspiring to me!!!! yes please shoot a film when your visit your grandparents village!!! please!!! i don't even see quality YT videos showing such things so it would be very valuable for dtube and .......me! :) i have very much enjoyed you walking with the tea plants..and haven't noticed or perhaps watched a video yet with you showing the tea plants up close. would that ever be possible too? seeing the plants, the harvesting...and processing? oh man..it's all so beautiful to me!!!! thank you for coming in and sharing brother...i am so so grateful!!!!

That is so kind of you buddy.

I sure will make a video as soon as I visit my village home.

While yeah sure I will work onto the Tea plant video soon as much as I can scour out I will try to share that with you all.

thank you brother.....those videos will be EPIC..and PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!! i love all your vids though...so just thanks for sharing my friend!!! :)

yes yes yes!!! you know tulsi, the incomparable one, is one of my favs too! so glad to see this tulsi love being spread around the blockchain :) so much love and goodness to you and yours!!!! <3 !

i love you two so much!!!! truly...you are such an inspiration to me..and i hope sooooo many others reading this right now...go and find your @dtube videos ...and just go to your blog. such a wealth of info and JOY...you to are to this blockchain..and me!!! i thought you had made a dtube on tulsi but i can't find it. i think perhaps you just spotlighted her throughout many of your vids this summer eh? i wanted to post the vid..and any other posts you've made on tusli ...here in the comments but i can't find them lol. i found this one: https://steemit.com/homesteading/@mountainjewel/herbal-anxiety-support-series-greeting-the-allies-an-introduction

blown away...as i just streamed through a bunch of your older content...how much you've shared on this blockchain!!!! you two!!!!! just wow! the hike...to get get wild paw paw....was one of my favorite of the summer! :))))

Your comment brought a lots of awwwws to the room as we read it together. Heart warmed and deeply felt. <3<3<3

You're way too sweet. Super happy the inspiration and love goes both ways. Everytime I think of forest gardens you always come to mind as a splendid example of what can be done and just how much abundance can be attracted.

You just hyper boosted my mood. I was feeling a lack of inspiration for getting on steemit but you're rejuvenated me! Love you for that!

I guess we never did do a tulsi video, well she's not going anywhere and has naturalized around the homestead. We wondered how we were going to keep created when we first joined steemit, but I guess creativity breeds creativity. PLUS Wren is such a champ and holds a great deal of this account down. She's awesome for that (and many other reasons.)

Love you Jake and and so fed by your presence. You're inspiring me to get out and comment more (I'm really lazy in that department).


P.s. Do you want any paw paw or persimmons seeds?

gosh...i love YOU!!!!!!!!!! your comment made my night...and day....bro ini!!!!! i feel you soooooo much!!!!!! i did my own awwwwwing....to your sweet words dear brother!!!!!!! i feel so grateful for you two...i can hardly express it. without you two...being gentle guides and cheerleaders... to me...i would have wandered all over the blockchain.....without much hope. you two...from the very beginning of my time here..have curated, resteemed....and just rooted for me!!!! i can't tell you how much that means to me. priceless.....is what it is. bro, i just undelegated a bunch of sp...so i can get out there and engage and comment more too. i'm so ready...for the long haul ....and lifting one another up...as we continue to share here...and grow here ...TOGETHER!!!! please keep it coming...cause i stand by your side bro!!!! i'd love seeds...and i'll send you some too!!!!! hey what splinter are you building up on steemmonsters? :) love you bro!

Brother, I didn't know the trick of consuming tulsi leaf by leaf... That is definitely something I will do soon :) just need to get my hands on really good one, I'd definitely want to try yours! I'm sure its filled with love :)
Amazing... And apples and peaches oh myyy :) I can see lot of alkalinity... Your forest looks amazing, for sure a place to walk barefoot at! :)
Thanks for sharing this beautiful vlog with us... I'll curate at 15th minute! Peace & love :)

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brother....i appreciate you so much!!!!! each time you come in and leave a comment....i find myself smiling as much as when i eat/drink tulsi!!!!! :) oh man...you KNOW!!! :) always barefoot!!! i can't wait to meet you and many people on this blockchain...in person someday. we will drink spring water....figs...and tulsi! :) thank YOU for all you do to encourage and support me...and so many around here. it's so felt! so much love my bro!!!!

DFood!! Holy Basil 🌿
A lot of great info in here bro. Now I have to make some tea 🤣
Stacking functions, using the food forest for DFood and better health. All one

D-FOOD!!!!!!!!! thanks brother....i'll toast with you as you drink your tea. cheers to food forests, stacking functions...and stacking steem! may we all be blessed ...in the coming years...and right NOW!!! thanks for all you share with dtube and .....me!!! it's so felt and appreciated...my bro!!!!!!

Loving this I an trying to learn more about herb and getting a garden going. It's hard in the colder climates but trying to bringing it indoors 💯🐒

i love indoor gardening as well my friend! bring it on..indoors!!! my tropicals...love coming indoors for the winter. thanks for stopping by...I am following you now. "100th monkey"....i LOVE THAT!!!!! ;)

Thanks yet that's my current mission. Yep that hundredth monkey is stirring 💯🐒

This makes me miss the days I used to plant and grow food. Miss my country..

thanks for stopping by my friend. you are from South Africa? following you now. :) nothing quite..like home. i feel you

Yeah South Africa. I'm currently in China and the soil here is unbelievable. It's go no flavor. It's all grey and most of their fruits and vegetables lack taste. Miss real food every now and then..

I enjoy the taste of cold holy basil tea a lot.

i've never really tried it cold. i will now! thanks for dropping by. following you now. :) i dig your avatar

Tulsi is AMAZING if you cold press it. The longer the press the better.

wow...i'm on it!!!! thank you!!!

Actually tried this "Tulsi" couple of months back when I visited my Danish friend! And I really liked the taste and the feeling afterwards!

Have a great day brother :)

have a beautiful night..and sleep well dear brother! :) thanks for adding your testimony and blessing this post in so many ways! i appreciate you so very very much!!!!

I don't have Tulsi in my garden. I have checked thoroughly. LOL.
But with its great benefit to health, I think you really need to have it in your garden. I have never seen it in my country yet. Thanks for sharing, Jake!

Hello my friend Putu!!! Thanks for checking in your garden!!!! I always appreciate you stopping by my dtube videos and saying hello. I love what you're sharing from Bali!!!!! Please keep it coming!

thanks sooo much for the support @fulltimegeek !!!!!! ps--- i see you creepin' toward 1st on the @steemmonsters ... leaderboard!!!!!!!!! get it bro!!! :)

he takes first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeeeeehawwwww bro! :)

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