Watching the Sun RISE...and Steemfest...LIVE!!!!!

in #dtubesnap6 years ago

Good morning @dtube and Steem blockchain!!! I'm out in the food forest this morning enjoying the sunrise..and working in the food forest....trimming trees. In today's video...I harvest the last fruit in the food forest and enjoy a toast as the sun is rising.

In between working in the food forest...I'm getting caught up on the #steemfest livestream... that @stackin posted this morning!!!!! I'm so grateful he tuned us into where we can watch and listen ..with all of those attending the conference!!! SO MUCH TO GLEAN!!!!! Thanks @stackin !!!!! Here's the post and link to watch:

Thanks for cruising a long this morning...and we will catch you again tomorrow fellow Steemians! Enjoy the conference! Have a beautiful day!!!

Cheers to our food freedoms! #dfood and #dtube !!!!

Jake and the Raw Utah family

▶️ DTube

Every-time I see your Food Forest I'm amazed. Everything form the diversity, to species selection to those wide crotch angle. WOWZAH!

Love it! We have yet to establish any kaki persimmons, but you've just further inspired me. We have hundreds of wild American persimmons and am hoping to diversify. The americans have a much richer flavor IMO, but I've only had Fuyu and not any of the other 100s of varieties. Plus there's also the lack of astringency and size to boast about in the kaki. Do your fuyus bear seed?

I better beware cause the more I watch your vids, the more fruit I want to grow!!! The yearly nursery budget will have to increase. Damn you're an inspiration brother!!! The way you're stacking functions while toasting and trimming and keeping abreast steemfest. A true @dfood activist. I LOVE seeing you in your element.

Love it Jake,

-ini brother!!!!!!!!!! I think this is one of the best comments i've ever received anywhere on the internet. coming from's double heart joy!!!!!!! you inspire me so much brother..and your words are so so felt! thank you from my heart to yours! these fuyus don't have seeds. perhaps too much domestication over time eh? the americans sound much more wild like the paw paw. fascinating bro! i love your vision..and how and wren live your lives!!!!!!!!! could have a full time major media network TV show!!!!!!!!!! i'm just grateful you're making vids for #dtube and this blockchain!!! this one you posted so good! I LOVE YOU BRO!!!!!

Awesome! Wish I could watch but stuck in meetings while traveling... Hope to catch some replays tonight!

those numbers @aggroed talked about with @steemmonsters = mind blowing eh? lol...i love it!!!!

I was enjoying it as well and missed few parts but will get them soon.

While toast buddy ;) It was a nice Sunrise

Have a great day brother.

have a great day my friend!!!!! i always appreciate you stopping by!!!! thanks for enjoying the toast with me. :) here's to a great year and many years to come with #dtube my brother!!!!!!

this is so sweet and a joy to share with you this morning my brother. loved to see your light and sunrise. thank you for sharing this happy snap :)

awww...thanks sis!!!!! :) i'm really enjoying your snaps also!!!!! please keep em coming!!!!!!!!!!! FELT!!!!

I love that natural “alleyway” you created with the trees, and the branches draping over you as you walk.
I didn’t know you had a persimmon till now, or I forgot. Your harvest season stretches a long time, great design brother

thanks my brother!!!!!!! i have another cultivar from onegreenworld called fire and ice. another sweet variety. gosh..they sure take a LONG my get their roots established. but once they do.......OFF THEY GOOOOOOO! your words sure mean a lot to me bro. :) your example and inspiration!

Is that as tall as a persimmon tree gets? Kinda funny that the last fruit comes off the only tree that doesn't ya leaves on it lol

they get bigger. mine has taken get its roots established...but it's on its way now. yah these permimmon trees..look so they wear on into fall and winter...but the fruit can really hang...and get sweeter ;) @gardeningchannel made a great vid...showing a larger tree.

look at the giant trees cared the farmers....of satoyama:

oh and @nateonsteemit dude, if you haven't seen how the peeps in DOWN THIS RABBIT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another rabbit hole! Yas!

Here's one for you. Microorganism tea!

nice! sweeeeeet post! just commented and added this: you'll dig:

One last rabbit hole... Er... Wormhole before I go to bed.

Sounds like fermented wood chips and the recipe from the other post would go really well together!

I was just listening to the Joe Rogan podcast with Paul this morning 👌

soooooo goooooood right?!!!! oh JOY TOWN!

There goes the last fruit
Enjoy the stream
I am watching all the way here too as and when I can :)

thanks @kaerpediem !!! :) i really enjoyed toasting...and enjoying the persimmon.... with ALL of YOU!!!!!! i appreciate you watching!!!! cool you're catching the live stream too!!!! doing my best to rewind..and catch all that has been streamed..and then jump back to the live part lol!!!!!! enjoy my friend :)

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