Wildlife : Birdwatching - 664

in #birdwatching5 years ago


The common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus), or often simply redstart

Look at this handsome man! He is brave and fearless!
In the summer, when these birds already have nestlings, the males bravely guard them, diverting the attention of the enemy to themselves. They jump from branch to branch, wave their tail and scream, do everything possible to make the enemy pay attention to them and move away from the nest or nestlings.
In Russian and other slavic languages, this bird is called a “burning tail,” because when a bird waves its bright orange tail, it looks like dancing flame.
In the photo below is a female. She is not painted brightly.





Действительно, на фото горихвостка выглядит очень воинственно.

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