This is my story: A little of my life

Hello friends from steemit, even though I made a little introduction some time ago, today I want to do something a little more detailed. My name is Raquel, I am Venezuelan and this is my story.

Let's start from 0

They are both my parents, they had me at an early age, which is why no one graduated from the university, and for that moment let's say that in my country there were opportunities even for people who decided not to study anymore. In the photo we are with a cousin, this was at the baptism of my younger sister, and if I am the first-born, so most of the responsibilities fall on me.

My parents tell me that when I was born a miracle happened (of course, the miracle of life when it comes to the birth of a new baby) but in my case, I had an accident, accidentally one of the nurses who attended my mother's delivery I forget at a table and product of this I suffered from "Taquipnea" which is a respiratory disorder caused in this case because I forgot exposed on a table without any kind of shelter, last approximately 2 weeks in intensive care, my parents tell me they thought that I was not going to survive, but here I am bothering a lot (hahahaha) product of this I am asthmatic and it is really annoying only that I try not to give a little thought and live my normal life.

Since I was little I always liked the arts, dancing and singing; I always practice dances and I enjoyed singing with my father who is a musician by birth.

I was always an outstanding student

When I was little I had some problems learning to read and write, but I think it was partly because I had a teacher in the first grade who did not like it (I still remember it) and it was too hard to learn, to my surprise I repeated the year because my parents decided to change me to the morning shift, since I told them that this teacher did not like me, I even got depressed when I was only 6 years old and they decided to try a change, when I started to see classes with a new teacher that if she was interested in learning everything began to bear fruit, from that moment on she was a student of only "A". I was very good with numbers and I really learned to write much faster than the other children, I was even interested in sports and I was very outgoing; so much so that I was chosen as a candidate several times (what a horrible dress hahaha, but it was fashion).

I traveled a lot through my country

This is something that I thank infinitely my parents and my grandmother, we always traveled around the country in times of vacation, I learned what it is to love our land, what it is to love where you come from, to love your roots and take them wherever you go. They taught me how important it is to love nature and respect it. And of course here I have several photos with my sister and some relatives (they are pretty vintage hahaha):

Let's talk about my adolescence

As every teenager I had my stage of "rebelliousness" and was very "rocker" I dressed very much in accordance with that musical movement, always in black and I was going to play music in my city, really enjoy this stage and I am not ashamed, I learned a lot and I met a lot of great people.

I would like to continue embarrassing myself in photos but I did not get more (jajajajaja), I'm not ashamed, I think we should burn all those stages, besides that for me it was one of the most beautiful, I learned music, I knew new friends, I understood that the essential is not like lights but as you are with people and how you behave in the world, and often appearances are deceiving, sometimes we see someone with a certain aspect and we discard it and I think this stage was good because I learned not to judge anyone by their appearance.

As I grew up a little bit more I got polished, even though my musical tastes have always been varied, because I can listen from jazz that I love to rock or some fashionable song without any worries, as I have said in so many post, I think that we should love every day and do things because we like them and not because of what others say.

I have always had a good relationship with my sister

Yes, I know, we all argue sometimes, and I think it is the most normal thing in the world, sometimes we do separation of goods, type: "take your shirt, give me my headphones", but after a while we are talking as if nothing, I take my sister barely 3 years, she also uses steemit @charlotteneko is an amazing person, is a very artistic and musical person, I think I inherited it from my father, I for my part throw me a little more intellectual , although I also enjoy dancing and singing. (Although for my mother I have the soul of a comedian)

My family has taught me to love animals

My father and my sister, above all, are the crazy animals in my house, they always collect animals from the street and give them up for adoption, this is a beautiful job that not many value, on the contrary I have learned to value the defenseless beings who are abandoned on the street, today we have two cats a dog all rescued, some photos of them:




Some of the animals rescued and given for adoption

And many more to which I do not take pictures or did not get, this is a very nice job, and more when you get a new home for these cute little animals.

I graduated as a bachelor of science

From that moment I knew that this was my branch, a very beautiful stage that I will not forget because in it I made friends that even today are still present, some farther than others but always in the heart.

The course has taken many turns

After I graduated from high school I decided to go to university, in this incredible place I tell those who are living this stage, that they enjoy it, it is the best, the most beautiful, the most fun, where you learn more things and especially in where you get extraordinary friends.

Finally reach to reach the last semester of my university career, with the happiness and satisfaction of being able to become what I am today: Environmental Engineer.

December 2017 was the big day

With tears in my eyes of happiness and an immense emotion, that day, on December 8, I received my degree as Engineer, today I am almost 3 months old, I am still in my country so I have not exercised, I am waiting to leave sadly here I am not offered the same opportunities, and I want to practice, my career is unique, it is very beautiful, I learned how important it is to protect the planet and that in a certain way we are Engineers and doctors of the planet earth, I die for having experience and learning much more.

##I am an engineer

The goal is not put by us as well as difficulties, never allow someone to ruin your dreams, and fight for them that when they are reached is the most precious and incredible, is the greatest satisfaction we can have.

Raquel ♡


Hello @raquel.ramirezv!

I noticed you have posted many times since you began your journey on Steemit. That is great! We love active partipants.

I do want to point out that the Introduceyourself tag is meant to be used once only to introduce yourself to the Steemit community. You have now posted 35 times using the introduceyourself tag. Please see this link for more information Tag Spam?

Please take this into consideration and help build a great platform!

This is very interesting story and I think an environmental engineer is a very useful profession (I have a relative who did the same). Even if you have to travel outside you country to get work, you can always travel back there during your vacation.

Hi @terrylovejoy yes of course, and I love my career; I want to put it into practice; for the moment I am collecting some money to be able to go to look for new panoramas and new places that allow me to develop more as an engineer! thanks for always reading me!

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