The New "Feminism"

in #writing6 years ago


My dear friends, today's topic becomes a bit delicate, because it can hurt sensitivities, that is, I will expose what I think about the new feminist movement of this century, a topic that I find interesting to discuss, and that I think that has a lot of fabric to cut, from the behavior to where it is considered a healthy and coherent movement.

Now before talking about the present, it is necessary to talk a little about the past, about feminism that I consider real, the movement that led many women to endure struggles over the years, which even caused their death or the extreme change of situations of behavior in society. . Women who fought for a better, more inclusive world or for having a place in the world where their rights and duties were considered with the same weight as the rights and duties of men, women like:

1)Hipatia de Alejandria:Woman who became director of the museum of Alexandria, in a world where opportunities were given only to men, turned into philosophy and mathematics for the year 391 when Christianity reigned, being pagan is persecuted by religious fanatics, is raped and murdered, being labeled as a witch, despite being persecuted and murdered, she contributed outstanding information in mathematics and astronomy, which is why today she appears in Raphael's painting "The School of Athens", where only Greek philosophers appear. featured.
2)Wu Zetian:The only Empress woman in the history of China, when her husband dies, the emperor "Gaozong" decides to occupy the throne, passing over the power that belonged to his children. The interesting thing is that during his tenure he gave China economic stability , political and cultural of great dimension, in addition that thanks to her the social position of the Chinese women rose remarkably.
3) Juana de Arco:A woman who at the age of 17 headed the French royal army, in her fight she was captured by the Englishmen who accused her of witchcraft, condemned to the stake. This death had a revolution because thanks to Joan of Arc King Charles VII got the throne and he did nothing to free her from her death sentence.
4) Mary Wollstonecraft: First British writer woman, her most famous work was "Vindication of women's rights", (quite feminist right?), In this work she argues that men and women are equal and are only treated differently because of their educational situation.
5)Flora Tristan:This woman was a French thinker and writer, of very humble origin, she marries young, after being denied by her father and her separation marks an existential thread in her life, years after her death one of her greatest works is published: "Emancipation of Women" and the "Workers' Union" based on feminism, highlighting the right of workers and especially women's rights.
6) Marie Curie: Polish winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, I bring great findings to this science as the discovery of two elements: polonium and radium.
7) Emmeline Pankhurst: This woman dedicated her life to fight for the vote of women, the right to suffrage, of British origin, founded a movement in favor of this right for women; movement that took her many times to jail.
8) Margaret Thatcher: First woman minister in the United Kingdom, this woman managed to enter politics, being a branch dominated by men, lasted approximately 10 years practicing political offices, today is an icon.
9) Amelia Earthart:It was the first woman to cross over the Atlantic Ocean. I manage to expand the notion of what a woman could achieve after her exploits.
10) Sally Ride:She was the first American woman to go to space in 1983.

They have been years of struggle, centuries in which women fought for rights, equality and to belong in a society that belittled them, demonstrated that they can and will achieve anything they set out for me, this is true feminism, to fight to be better, to demonstrate a point, where femininity is not lost, but the fight is won, the rights that women enjoy so much today were thanks to some of these warriors, which of course I miss many, but they have been women that throughout history have shown true feminism.


The New Feminism

I do not know the truth that happens to the women who are joining this group or movement, but for me any movement that is intolerant of other points of view is an extremist or radical movement, which makes no sense and does not lead anywhere , the struggle of today is how you look at a man, if he says something you do not like (it does not necessarily have to be something ugly); a struggle to let the beautiful puvico grow, the struggle of today's women is an absurd radicalization of anti-feminism, because they do not represent a high percentage of working women, who fight and who also look beautiful, because femininity is something that does not go hand in hand with the struggle of rights and duties of women, that is part of each, the essence of a neat woman, like men, a presence of cleanliness, of good sense not this nonsense:


They will excuse me, but this does not represent anything, if the fight is for wanting to walk naked, go ahead, walk naked, but stop screaming in the street, if the fight is to walk with hair in the armpits and legs then do not shave and now, I can not see how this can improve society.

The last fight that has been taking place is about the issue of abortion, a very sensitive issue with so many aspects that I think the post would never end, for me these women are crazy and inattentive. The issue of abortion is very delicate, because there are many situations in which we could say that we are in favor (a violation for example), but it is not the case that you are irresponsible and do not take care of yourself, because as you open your legs you can be able to take care of you, come on; There are many methods and if you do not like any of them, there is always abstention. Of course this is a very personal way of looking at this issue, there should be many aspects dedicated to this topic, but I think it's rubbish to see images like this when there are thousands of sad women because they can not have children, people who want or want to adopt , or even many people who have lost loved ones due to malpractice when these illegal abortions are done with any doctor, for this I say that it is such a delicate issue that has thousands of aspects to speak, from legality, to the point what should be done; etc, but for now I am consumed with the intrigue of knowing that these women have in the brain:




The truth is that I do not feel a representation with this class of women, for me it is a lack of attention what they have, this radical movement has neither feet nor head, it is a shame that many women feel identified with these crazy women as it is they are, I do not see how they help or contribute to society being this way and showing in this way, if a woman is really a feminist, she fights for equality, for the struggle in a competitive job, she struggles to achieve a career, a dream Something that contributes something to society, do not you think?

Let's fight for true feminism








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