Now scientists are expecting gamma rays can revel dark matter, What is Dark matter

in #science6 years ago

Have you ever wondered how our universe is balanced? Our Galaxy Milkyway has only a trillion stars but have you ever wondered why the stars of our Galaxy do not leave this Galaxy and go to another Galaxy? And have you ever wondered why the stars are always found in clusters? Clusters that call the Galaxy!

The only answer to all these questions can be that gravitational force! This is the force that keeps the whole universe balanced and due to this force, the stars do not leave a Galaxy and go to the other galaxy! But now the biggest question arises here is whether there is so much substance in the universe that can create a powerful gravitational force that no star can go beyond the Galaxy.

Whatever we can see or feel like, molecule, atom, rivers, mountains, planets, satellites, stars and galaxies etc. All of these mixers contain less than 5% of this type of mater to the universe. Which is called ordinari mater When astronomers studied the Milky Way Galaxy, found that there is not enough mater in the galaxy, which could produce a powerful gravitational force that kept all the stars tied in the same galaxy!

Now a question comes out here that in the Galaxy there is such a powerful gravitational hair-bearing substance that is not the only substance, then how are all the stars tied in the galaxy? This shows that something inside the Galaxy is so that there is so much gravitational force that all the stars are bound in one galaxy! Scientists named this mysterious thing as dark matter, the dark matter! Dark Matter is the mater that is producing so powerful gravity that the stars of the whole galaxy

Dark Matter has so far made a secret because there is no scientific evidence for its existence! But its existence can not be denied! This is an indescribable substance that is leaving its effect! Even Dark Matter does not interact with electro magnetic radiation too! This is the reason that modern equipment can not even find its existence!

Just like Dark Matter, there is another mystical power in the universe which is called Dark Energy!

Now we know that all the stars in the galaxies are bound because of Dark Matter, which do not leave a Galaxy, and do not go to any other Galaxy, but now where does this Dark Energy come from? Let's know!

It is believed that due to the explosion caused by a Big Bang blast of the universe, all matter present in the universe is moving away from that point or say that all the galaxies are moving away from that big bang point!

Newton's law states that if any object is dynamic, its speed can not be stopped until any external force on it is applied in the opposite direction of the object. Now the point here to note is that if any object is moving then its velocity will be continuous until it moves towards the direction of motion of that object.

When astronomers studied the galaxies, they found that all galaxies are in acceleration rather than walking at the same speed! Meaning speed of galaxies is increasing every second! According to Newton this can happen only when there is no external force on these galaxies! Now here a question arises that there is no such energy in the universe which is pushing these huge galaxies? So scientists named this mysterious energy dark energy!

Dark matter and Dark Energy Both of these exist in the universe but there is no physical proof of their existence yet! But without being a physical proof, both of them show their existence in the universe and according to the scientists, in less than 5% of the universe, this is the substance which we can experience physically and about 25% is Dark Matter and the rest 70% is Dark Energy! Both Dark Matter and Dark Energy are both undressed!

Now scientists are expecting gamma rays can revel dark matter

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