Cats save lives! Proven research!

in #research8 years ago


Have you ever wondered what your cats save your life??!

And so it really is!!! In this article we will examine how this happens.

It is known that cats attracts negative energy, they seem to absorb it. When our body or around us there are any violations, she, catching, lie down or sit in that place. The cat is so constituted that she needs this to "recharge." Each of us watched as the cats love to be near electrical appliances that emit negative electromagnetic oscillations. Man, on the contrary, to get rid of ailments, you need to remove negative energy. So that the cat is just a gift for him, family doctor. 


I must say that cats are different diseases are treated differently. 

Finding a sore spot, one lie on top of him, trying to warm up. Other, releasing its claws, like needles of the acupuncturist, start a massage. As a rule, the therapeutic effect occurs when the first rumbling and purring sounds that soothe and relax. In these moments, it is not advisable to repel the cat, and it is better to switch and settle down. It will repay a "storm" of your body.


On the topic of the healing abilities of cats conducted research that shocked scientists.

It was found that if a few minutes stroking the cat, in humans, normalizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of recurrent stroke and myocardial infarction. The condition of the patients after the experiments was similar to the feeling after a session of meditation and relaxation. Our skin is directly connected via nerve receptors to the brain. Stroking a cat, we pass through the skin of the fingers signals to the brain. We have a sense of relaxation and calm. 

When a cat or a dog fondled and master, stroking her hair - it's nothing like the electrostatic effect of weak currents. All physical therapy today is built on the influence of weak currents. So a cat is, in fact, home physiotherapy unit. And traditional Oriental medicine is just based on connection of nervous system with the individual parts of the body and skin. And nervous system is subject to in our body. And through it indirectly to affect internal organs. And this is is the real reflexology.


I would like to mention that, forcibly holding a cat next to a therapeutic effect is not to. Between the owner and the cat should be close contact trust. And if the cat will purr and show that she was to be with you like, the effect increases several times.

The cat's purring does not necessarily Express the emotions of a cat. It helps her to self-medicate: to heal wounds and strengthen bones. To this conclusion came the scientists of North Carolina, who researched cat noises. Sound-ranging cats, 27 to 44 Hz. Scientists have suggested that purring is similar to the ultrasound treatment. It was found that exposure to sounds in this range increases the healing of wounds, growth and strengthening of bones. If you watched the cat, remember the fact that after a fall, injury during childbirth, they purr. It is believed that they anesthetize and treat yourself. It is known that injured cats purr, licking wounds, and maybe that's why they survive even after falling from high buildings. Journal of the American Medical Association, Vets estimates that of the 132 cats that had fallen to the average height of the sixth floor killed only 14. And one even survived a fall from the 45th floor. Scientists see it as something that you can use purring in the treatment of osteoporosis, especially in older people, as physical exercise for them.


Professor Clint Rubin found that the impact of sound in the range of 20-50 Hz increases growth and strengthens bones by 20 percent. For example, chickens are placed on the vibrating stand for 20 minutes per day grew faster than the bones and they were much stronger than their conventional counterparts.

Scientists from many countries have determined that cats ' purring is not just a way of expressing emotions cat good cat good - she purrs. But why, then, why purrs sick, experiencing discomfort cat? You ever thought about it? It turns out, all is not so simple. Purring, it is also certain sound waves (frequency of 20 to 50 Hz) stimulating the healing process. Purring promotes increase of protective forces of an organism, accelerates the healing of wounds, as a result of sound vibrations, this frequency increases bone density, which contributes to the recovery of fractures. It is difficult to overestimate this innocent and easily available method for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, especially in older people. Purring nice and healthy, writes In the first place by popularity is felinoterapiya, or treatment with cats! As it turned out, cunning biped was able to adapt to their Wellness goals almost all the cat's habits.

Murricane several ranges. Sometimes it does not hear, and feel, putting a hand to the barrel of a cat. Oddly enough, but the daily listening of just such a cat purring, executable at a frequency of 4 - 16 Hz, somehow enhances the immune system. How, exactly, doctors do not understand, but this fact is proven by physicians in 11 countries. (the studies were conducted in different years, at different audiences, the effect was confirmed 100%).

However, the talent the cats do not end there. 

It was found that the contact with a cat has a beneficial effect on patients after severe trauma, mental disorders, cardiovascular disease and strokes. 


If you want to examine in more detail all the talents cats and research scientists, follow the link: http://xn--80aafnp1acecrclif4r.xn--p1ai/lechebnie_svoistva_koshek.html

Your rainbow elephant!)


my aunt will be happy to hear this

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