Use your laziness to be more productive

in #work6 years ago


It's known that people in general do their best to avoid doing things that bore them or take too much of their time, in order to do what they like, to relax or just have fun going out with friends, watching movies or play video games.

No one likes to take care of those tasks that require you to be fully focused or spend two or three hours doing one single thing in order to be done with it. What's even worse is that it's hard to find a way to motivate yourself and do what you need to do.

But there's one simple method you can use that can help you get things done faster. It's not gonna be easy or fun, but it's effective - do what you don't wanna do.

I know, it sounds really basic, and it is, but people don't think about doing that any more. Everyone searches for a way to do things faster, to get money quick and to work as little as possible, when all you have to do to take care of the tasks you don't like is to do them without thinking too much about it.

Here's a personal example - I have to work in Photoshop every day to create all kind of new things and lately I stopped trying to come up with new ideas. I just worked on the same type of design elements again and again because it was easy and it didn't require a lot of work.

But that's not the way to succeed, to make enough progress or to offer quality. So I need to do something about it, like watch some tutorials, learn how to do new things and improve.

Here's why I don't want to do that - it takes a long time to learn how to do something so well that people want to give you money for it. It means I'll have to spend a few good months working for free in order to get better and make money out of what I do.

Plus, as big as the Internet is, it's harder and harder to find good tutorials. Everyone with a computer and a recording software can create a tutorial these days and it's hard to find those who are really sharing awesome things.

If you don't believe me, search "Photoshop removing backgrounds" on YouTube and you'll literally find hundreds of videos, all explaining pretty much the same thing.

Because of that I don't feel like searching for tutorials and trying to ignore all the bad content "teaching" you Photoshop, I don't want to spend months working for free and I don't want to create elements feeling like I don't get rewarded for it.

But I have to.

How can I do it? I use my laziness to figure out what I have to do and then I do it. I don't want to spend time searching for tutorials - that means I need to spend time doing that. I'll open my browser, go to YouTube and spend 30 minutes searching for tutorials that can teach me something amazing.

Then, what else don't I want to do - work on projects that won't help me get money. Okay, then once I have the tutorials, I can start working on all kind of projects and upload them everywhere I can, even if I don't get paid.

I don't think about it, I don't analyze my situation and I won't hesitate. Once I know what I need to do I force myself to do it every day. Even if I'm lazy, before I can fantasize about how great would be to just watch videos all day long, I'll get into Photoshop and work on something.

It's really surprising how much that can help you and how much progress you can make using such a simple and basic "trick". All you gotta do is figure out what you don't want to do even if you have to, and do it without thinking about it.

The rest of it is habit and will to work.

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