The Most Important Question A Leader Can Ask:

in #inspirational6 years ago

photo cred:Word Swag

In order to truly help someone else grow, it is vital to care about what areas they are seeking development. But moreover, if you wake-up each day in search of an area of your life, to which you can extend a blessing to someone else, then you have truly grabbed ahold to one of the most important keys to being an effective leader.

The opportunities are endless and are often in alignment with the gifts you have already been given and merely elavate the posibilities of being able to authentically share with someone in a meaningful way. So today.. tomorrow and each day thereafter... rather than wonder what meeting you have to rush off too, whether the deal is going to close this month, or even if the outstanding client invoice is going to post. Start your day by asking : "How Can I Be a Blessing To Someone Today"...

I guarantee you, it will begin to change all of encounters for the better, you will begin to see more deposits in your spritual bank and that is worth the price of admission.

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Thank you for starting my week on the right path. I’m leaving the house this morning thinking, “How can I be a blessing to someone today”. And I vow to do just that.

Awesome sauce @clairev! We can help make the 'change' we want to see... by being the change 1st. I hope your day and week flow on high vibrations.

Idk if you are interested but my friend @seyiodus has a group called @altruistic and helps out #christian-trail i think that's how its written. I think you could inspire each other! :)

Thanks sis @limabeing. Altruistic is for all steemians especially the newbies but there is flaminghelpers for Christian only @racvgllc and we support Christian-trail. You can join us tonight for the curation show.
Flaminghelpers discord link:

Thank you for this post! It really got me thinking outside of myself. Even asking myself that question already brightens up my day. i will put it into practice!

I actually shed some tears, I feel at home reading this post. I have wondered those words many times in my life.

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