QUOINE and bitJob are pleased to announce the listing of STU token on QRYPTOS (

QRYPTOS is QUOINE’s fully digital cryptocurrency exchange and trading platform launched in June 2017.

Aimed at revolutionizing the way students make a living and gain occupational experience, bitJob offers students the opportunity to earn income and sharpen their skills while enriching their resumé, all within bitJob’s blockchain-based ecosystem of networking, compensation, rewards, and incentives. The STU token will be integrated into the bitJob marketplace and will be used a payment means, incentive trigger and Global standard for the studential ecosystem.

bitJob platform is a semi-decentralized marketplace, using both centralized payment methods (fiat money) and decentralized digital cryptocurrency, developed on Ethereum Smart Contracts. It will enable students to earn a stable income with their free time, enriching their portfolio and engaging with digital currency, many for the first time. The platform merges the benefits of micro-gigs and freelancer-centric bidding sites with the blockchain, creating the first Hybrid Blockchain Project that allows for peer-to-peer connection with employers and students.

Students all over the world find themselves short on cash during their academic period and are looking to earn additional income and gain experience while still in school.

Employers find it difficult to hire quality temporary workers that fit their budget. 80% of them fail in recruiting students.

Advantages of using the platform:

Reputation: participants will have reputation assigned to them, to enable them to access remuneration appropriate to their skill level. The better the individual’s reputation, based on previous bitJobs, the higher the price they will be able to command for an hour’s work.
Incentive: bitJob is unique because of its awesome team, backers, and partners. They have signed several build agreements with universities, employers & student unions. Every care is taken to provide an incentive to the students to increase their reputation and maintain it at the highest level.
Affiliate Plan: They’re launching their affiliate marketing plan for spreading the word around the world, In order to reach as many students as possible, we’ve came up with a wonderful reward program that will provide our partners with referee rewards.
Résumé: Students reputation and gained experience will be registered on our patent-pending “DPR” , aDynamic Portfolio Résumé that will be placed on a personal domain name and will be adopted by the labor market and future employers.

For more information, see:

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63837.42
ETH 2539.78
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65