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RE: My encounter with the Antifa and how it unexpectedly led me to a deeper understanding of the Holocaust. (Another story about Freedom..) ecoTrain

in #travel7 years ago

Wow this is quite a piece.

I have a lot of respect for activists and have been a part of a lot of it my self.

I once lived in a tree house forest protest camp in Scotland and it was not only important work but a really nice life.

Its sad that unfortunatly most activism has done very little but MAYBE slow down the destruction for a few months, some camps like the tree house one I was in for some months actually lasted a few years, the longest i heard of, but in the end they lost and so did the trees......

The ONLY thing I have found that is a real solution is to stop using fiat currency, paying taxes or supporting and government regulated operations. Gotta starve them out cause the truth is the masses/sheeple are funding their entire thing even when protesting it.

Thanks for sharing your journey.


Thanks @quinneaker . Well, it's hard - maybe even impossible - to know the true ultimate effect and impact of even the smallest of our actions. Butterfly effect and all. The Newbury bypass protest where I lived for several months didn't stop that road either, but it got so much publicity, created a lot of awareness and cost so much money that it actually had a significant effect on subsequent policy. More than that, it gave those of us involved a real positive vision of how an alternative reality and way of life is really possible, and that had a very lasting effect.

Yes, wise words I shall not refute.
What do you do with your life now? Buy stuff from stores? Pay taxes?
No judgment honest curiosity.


Very good question - something I often wonder about myself ... what am I doing with my life? I'll let you know when I figure it out. At the moment I'm stranded on a hill in Galilee as a result of a string of unwise and impulsive decisions. I do sometimes buy things from shops and also pay taxes if it can't be avoided.

Thanks for acknowledgment and answer.

Yes life is a continually realizing experience, figuring it out never ends. Though it is a very wise aspect to consider and be aware of each day.

Yes it is very hard to live in this world without spending money or buying stuff at stores.

I of course still spend some money though I have not bought any food at a store in the USA for 13 years. Nor a bottle of water or a beer. Its difficult but thats why I founded and run a self sufficient sustainable eco village!

When the world does not live to my ideals, rather than try and change that I just create the world for my self∞§∞

Creating a self sufficient eco village in the usa sounds like a very good idea. Perhaps I shall do that one day, or come to visit yours.
I try to do what I can to create my ideal world for myself, though this is much complicated by having responsibility for children, a mortgage on a house I don’t live in and a wife I can't live with.
Change sometimes involves a lot of negotiation and patience as well as good intention and positive vision.

Thats the truth.

I wish you the best. There are always solutions and I hope many of them you find!


Indeed there are always solutions. Sometimes they're right in front of us but we just can't find them or see them. Thanks for your time and encouragement. Blessings to you too 💞


And your welcome, I hope to have more important exchange to come!

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