
in #gridcoin7 years ago

Is anyone else as excited about this crypto as I am?! Just made gridcoin my 3rd largest crypto investment. Holding it for the light my run. Check out this video on it. I think this coin will be $1 by years end.


Well personally I don't have any gridcoin in my portfolio. Maybe it's time for me to watch your video and carefully decide whether to add this coin to my portfolio, haha

Yes! There's a nice community forming around the Gridcoin community. Lots of good stuff going on. If they offered a master node, I'd get in on that, that's how much I like it. I block out 98% of coins from my radar, there's too many that I don't believe in. Too many that don't offer anything ground breaking. GRC is the exception. Go get em...

Is anyone else as excited about this crypto as I am?!

Definitely yes! I am and many others are too. Join our telegram group to discuss the latest developments about gridcoin:

That wins you a new follower your majesty, you can easily find lots of steemy Gridcoin info at

Great! Thank you. Looks like a great forum. Been reading the articles. Thanks! Im not a grc holding for the long run. Hope most grc holders are!

Ive been holding for 2 1/2 years, most of us are in this for the long run, we all know its way undervalued still, maybe when it 10x now Ill start cashing out a bit :)

Interesting, I will definitely look into this crypto.

Great video, thanks for sharing!


I'm just getting going but on my way.

이 코인의 미래가치는 엉망이지.!!

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