Thinking Positively When Your Life Sucks

in #positivity6 years ago

I want you to feel empowered to stand in your truth. However, sometimes that truth is that your circumstances are intolerable.

On one hand, many things that are seen as “negative” can actually be seen as “positive” if you adjust your perspective. I encourage people to do this because it’s too easy to attach to the negative and bring down your whole vibration and the vibration of everyone around you.

People are addicted to embodying negativity, struggle, and suffering. Therefore, it helps to be able to shift out of the middle of the circumstance and look at it from a higher level. However, the other side to this is that sometimes the higher level is that you are in a situation that sucks and you don’t need to waste energy looking at it from a positive perspective, you need to use your energy to change it.

Why invest all your current into trying to see a barely tolerable situation as positive, when you could be using that energy to create something different?

If the roof has blown off, there’s a fire in the kitchen, and you are feeling an earthquake coming, it’s not helpful to stand there smiling singing namaste, clinging to your quartz, and burning sage. You have to get grounded, come back to earth, and move.


Don’t let anyone guilt you into being delusional. You can be as "positive" as you want, but the other side still exists. Contrary to popular belief, ignoring negativity doesn’t always weaken it. In fact, it can make it stronger because it replicates… like candida.

Let’s talk about that for a minute because it’s recommended that you take probiotics to keep your gut bacteria in check because candida (among other things) will have your system all out of balance. You can’t ignore it, because it’s feeding off of you, growing stronger, and gaining control over your impulses, cravings, and health.

You have to neutralize it.

The same thing goes for any negatively in your life. It’s needs to be neutralized, not ignored - and that’s not always going to be done with a smile.

People like to tell you that if something won’t matter in five years then it’s not important so delete your feelings and just move on. I’m sure that can be useful sometimes, but that doesn’t really allow time for proper healing.

Many people try to rush through natural processes because they want to always seem happy, positive, and chipper. If you really feel that way, that’s one thing. But it’s not realistic to feel that way 100% of the time. And if you want to ride the wave of fakeness, it might work for a while, but eventually it’s going to come back to neutralizing the pain so that you can heal.

You can only stuff so many bandages in your cup before that cup begins to overflow. Then you have a mess. A nasty, moldy, stinky mess. Your cup runneth over with filth and this is what it looks like…

Maybe you aren’t in a state of physical wellness, maybe your money flow gets blocked, maybe you have all these interpersonal relationship issues – all because you tried to gloss over energy that actually needed to be moved into a healing direction.

scent-1431053_1280.jpg Pixabay /monicore

If you know you need to heal, then you might as well do it now. You don’t have to let things overtake you to the point where you have buried yourself so deep that you feel you can’t get up. You can get up, you can heal, you are okay, and you will be okay.

You just need to sit down for right now, process your feelings, and move that energy of pain into an energy of productivity.

So let’s affirm that you use your energy to get the best results possible. Here are some affirmations that I like to use.

-I easily attract desirable circumstances.
-I release fear.
-I release trauma.
-Things are working together for my highest good.

Try saying those to yourself each day. But don’t just say it, but feel it, see it happening in your mind. Because it’s not just about repeating the words, you have to “become” that person, before you actually become that person.

Let that marinate.

And if you are in a situation where the roof has blown off, there’s a fire in the kitchen, and an earthquake is on the way – for goodness sakes, don’t just “be positive”, how about you be proactive.

Queen Tourmaline is an intuitive counselor, energy reader, and writer. Sign up for her Insider’s List to get a weekly message with the good vibes and practical strategies to help you align your energy to get the best outcomes in life.


What a beautifully written article! My husband once wrote something that reminds me of this, after which he changed the phrase "Have a great day" with "Make it a great day". It's on us to create the positive vibes that can then be reflected back to us.

I think you would enjoy @therealpaul's articles- he's a sweet soul with incredible wisdom. And for humor you already discovered the fantastic @nonameslefttouse, but you should also check out the hilarious @meesterboom. And for inspirational pieces I recommend @ericvancewalton and yahialababidi :)

Thank you so much for the welcome and for the suggestions. I really appreciate it. I'll be sure to check them out.

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