The ideological purity of Google

in #politics7 years ago

Recently I wrote how Google - a once great company - couldn't be trusted with a monopoly on search results:

Today it became clear that this was even worse than I expected. With the firing of James Damore Google has shown that it is not only unworthy of trust to keep the internet open and balanced but it's a company that's been taken over by hard-left ideological purists who cannot even entertain the idea of someone having differing opinions.

I read some of the James Damore memo and while I do not agree with some of it; there was absolutely nothing in what I read that was hateful or merited dismissal. It was a reasonable, well-written point of view from a conservative.

I'm not a conservative, a socialist or anything really. I see every ideology as flawed so I pick parts that I like when they make sense. I've been called a right-wing shitlord and a pinko commie more than once online, but I've never wanted someone to lose their job based on their opinions. I don't understand this need for purity of thought or else.

If you look at some of the reactions from his fellow Google employees online; many of them seem gleeful that he was fired. This is the real "hatred". This is hatred wearing altruistic clothes.

These are the people we've allowed to control the gateway to everything we see online:


What do you think Steemians? Can't people tolerate different opinions anymore without wishing terrible repercussions on those who see things differently?


Agree, such a violent reaction to an intelligent and respectful memo is scary in a free society and is more consistent with fascism. Imagine if the pro-diversity people were fired and abused for politely arguing women were paid less than men. Really sickening stuff.

I'm glad I'm not the only one on here who thought it was polite and well-considered, I can't even guess which part of it was used as grounds for dismissal. I can only conclude he was fired for being an ordinary conservative.

Unless something happened behind the scenes we don't know about...

These are the people we've allowed to control the gateway to everything we see online

This, this, this.

Now think about this event also from the perspective of the "battle" Google (and Facebook) are currently having with "fake news".

Google will flag fake news stories in search results
YouTube Takes Steps To Censor "Controversial" (a.k.a. "Conservative") Content
Facebook and Google reveal how they plan to fight fake news

They are only ever going to let us see things which are consistent with their echo chamber, I didn't realise how bad their echo chamber was until now, now I'm very worried and annoyed.

Full Orwell 1984 'wrongthink', 'Ministry of Truth'. Wow, how did we let this happen :(

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