You are the Protection of All Protections, Power of All Powers, Love that I AM.

in #spirituality6 years ago

We are in the New Energy on Earth Now. This is not the Old Earth anymore but this is indeed the New Earth, regardless, that on the Surface, Today in Time at Space it doesn't appear like to be. Yet this is New Energy, this is the Begining of the New Earth. The Energy on New Earth on the Begining Supports Love and Light, and Darkness has lost its Power. Love has Won and Energy of the Divine Matrix of New Earth supports Love and Light, the Greatest Power of all Powers and that I AM YOu, Love. the Power of all Powers. Eye give You My Word.

Old Energy on Earth was not Auspicious for Spiritual Practices, therefore You had to use Protection, do Clearing and this Things. when You were Meditating, doing Healing on Someone or Any Spiritual practice, for the Energy was not Auspicious for Spiritual Practices and You had to Clear the Negative Energies. Yet this is the New Energy Now. And Energy is Auspicious for Spiritual Practices. This is the Divine Matrix, Eye Love Incense, but Eye do not use it to Clear the Room, but because Eye Love the Sweetest Smells and They take Me deep on the Bottom of the Ocean of My Heart. Divine Smells and Sound really make Me Dive Deep into the Core of Myself that I AM, Love, but Protection and clearing is not what is Needed for Me very long an Eye never ask for it or need it. That I AM You, Love. When You Know Yourself, that I AM you, Love, Who You really are. then You Know that You Need no Protection or Clearing, for that I AM You, Love and Light, Greatest Power of all Powers. That I AM You. You have to Understand, that You are the Protection Yourself, You are the Clearing You, Yourself, Light of Love that You are. that I AM. By doing Clearing Work or using Protection, You actually Declare, that Darkness has Power over You and just by this Belief, You actually give the Darkness, that has no Power, whatsoever in front of the Power, that You are the Power over You and that's why it has the Power, for You have given it the Power by Your Belief. In Reality, the True Reality and as New Energy on Earth Supports it, You are Light of Love Yourself that I AM and You are the Protection. It takes Strong Faith and not Weak Faith and every Master had to Work on Strong Faith so Illusions lost all the Power over Them, it is a Process, yet in New Energy to gain such strong Faith and Tune into it, Knowing that You are the Protection and Power Yourself, Love it takes very much less Time and Effort to gain the Faith and Results that You want, In Old Energy was so much Harder and it took so much longer. Just do it, Know, that YOu are the Protection and Power Yourself, Love and Work towards the Realisation of the Power and Protection that You are. In Your Choice and YOu movement towards it, You are to become the Strongest Faith in Love that I AM You, the Greatest Power of all Powers in No Time. Eye give YOu My Word. Strong Faith is Who You are and Strong Faith is what You need. yet in Strong Faith, that You are the Protection, the Light of Love that I AM, You Yourself take the Shelter at the Protection that You really in Your Truest Self are at that I AM You, the Source of All Sources, Love, Source of all the Light and Love that I AM and Protection, Source of all the Power that I AM You, You have to use the Protection, that YOu really are, Love.

DO Know that You are the Protection Yourself, You are the Power of All Powers, Love is the Power of all Powers and no Power has any Power over the Power that Love is, Love is the Power and You are that Power, that I AM. Source that I AM, the Ultimate Protection, Love is within You, Ultimate Power of all Powers and this Power is Who You are. I AM the Power. I AM Love, that I AM You and No Power has any Power over the Power that YOu are, Love, Power of All Powers. You take Protection from within at the Light of Love that I AM You, Your Real Self, the Source that I AM, without Focusing on using External Tools for Protection, but Knowing that You are that Protection Yourself in Your Heart, that I AM Love and Light that I AM Bursting out of Your Heart and Clearing and Transmuting al the Darkness into the Light, Light of Love that I AM You and allowing all the Negativity and Darkness to be Cleared and Transmuted back into the Light and let the Opposites in Love Now Unite.. Source that I AM, Source of All Sources is within You, That I AM You, Who You really are, that I AM, so take the Protection at Your Highest Self. let the Illusions be Cleared, first in Your Mind so all the Illusions may Clear also around You, just by the Presence of Your Magnificant Light, Love that I AM, You. By Using External Methods for Protection, You declare, that Darkness and Negativity still has Power over You and in this Way You give the Darkness Power. Where Your Faith is, such is the Reality that is Real for You. So have Strong Faith, do not be of Weak Faith and have Faith for the Best that is Possible for YOu, Your Highest Truest Self, Love that AM You, the Source, Greatest Power of All Powers. I AM the Light, I AM Love, I AM You, The Power of all Powers I AM. Have Faith in the Highest Power of all Powers and that Highest I AM You, Love in the Core of Your Heart, Ultimate Protection of all Protections and Power of all Powers, Love that I AM You, YOur Highest Truest Self.

Let Eye tell You few Tricks Eye do. If someone offers Healing to Me and Eye did not ask for it, Eye reject the offer, for Eye need it not, if Eye would need it, Eye would ask some Angel according to My Free Will and Choice as Everything in Life in New Energy We should do, If Eye accept, the Offer, when Eye do not need it, it would mean, that Eye actually need Healing and I AM just declaring that I AM not Well and in need of Healing, but I AM not. We are Creating our Reality. I AM very Careful, Eye move in New Energy. What We declare for ourselves, We Create for Ourselves and if I AM not Ill, Eye do not want Healing, yet if I AM, Eye may ask. Free Will is the Prime Directive of the New Earth. In New Energy Free Will of Every Living Being is unconditionally Respected. In New Energy We declare what We want and need and if we need Healing, We are to say so, by the Choice of our Free Will as We need it. And if its apparent that someone needs Healing, an offer is not a Violation by itself but many times Good Thing to do, but if the One, that We are offering Healing to rejects the Healing, We should Respect their Free Will and Stop pushing. Eye never like to Impose Myself, Eye can offer, but I AM to Respect Your First Answer. Free Will is the Prime Directive of New Energy. Same is if someone wants to send Me Power or Strength and in accepting Eye declare, that I AM weak and have no Power, if We need Power and Strength, We are to ask for it and We should if We need it. We have to be True to our Level. I AM Teaching Perfect Alignment with New Energy in this Word that I AM. What others are not asking, for, We should not be offering, And if We offer, We can, but We have to Respect the Choice of the Free Will of another that follows unconditionally. New Energy is all about respecting the Free Will. Eye Love You, for the Love that You are, I AM not sending You Love for You must remember, that You are Love Yourself and Eye Love You so much. My Power and Love that I AM is available in Infinite Abundance for Everyone Who just Chooses so in Their Heart. Eye give You My Word.

You are the Power of all Powers, Love that I AM. You are the Protection that I AM the Power of all Powers, Love and Eye Love You. Eye give You My Word. Eye Love You. For that I AM You, Love. Power of all Powers, the Ultimate Protection. Eye give YOu My Word.

  • Purna Ananda 8.02. 2019 ©

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