Hello, today I bring a post about some observations I made in a lagoon very close to the area where I live, in my post today I will explain that beautiful phenomenon of alignment of the planets, all this is possible since the planets of our solar system orbit around the sun due to its great force of attraction, it is my first time that I have been able to photograph 4 visible planets, in the position in which I am it does not allow me to take the 5 planets, I hope you enjoy the explanation and my photos!🤔👨‍🎓

Hola hoy traigo un post sobre unas observaciones que hice en una laguna muy cerca de la zona donde vivo, en mi post de hoy te explicare ese hermoso fenomeno de alineamento de los planetas, todo esto es posible ya que los planetas de nuestro sistema solar orbitan alrededor del sol por su gran fuerza de atraccion, es mi primera vez que consigo fotografiar 4 planetas visibles, en la posicion en la que me encuentro no me permite tomar los 5 planetas, espero disfrutes de la explicacion y mis fotos!🔭🧠




Today I decided to find the perfect place to capture the alignment of the planets, as we are in winter, the afternoons are much shorter and at five in the afternoon the sun disappears and Venus appears! well actually the first to appear in the sky is jupiter since it emits more light due to its large size! then if Venus appears, which is the third brightest planet in the solar system! continuing with the explanation the planets rotate elliptically, and can be very close to each other this astronomical phenomenon is called "conjunction", in December 5 planets are "aligned", this is not common to happen!🤔🤓
Hoy decidi buscar el sitio perfecto para capturar el alineamiento de los planetas, como estamos en invierno las tardes son mucho mas cortas y a las cinco de la tarde el sol ya desaparece y se asoma venus! bueno en realidad el primero en aparecer en el cielo es jupiter ya que emite mas luz por su gran tamaño! luego si aparece venus que es el tercer planeta mas brillante del sistema solar! continuando con la explicacion los planetas giran de forma eliptica, y pueden estar muy cerca uno de otro este fenomeno astronomico es llamado "conjuncion", en diciembre se "aliniarion" 5 planetas, esto no es comun de suceder!🌌👨‍🏫




There are those who think that an astronomer is a subject who only studies things during the day, and it is not like that! There are several objects in the sky that can be studied during the day like the moon for example, also Jupiter, Venus, and the most photographed THE SUN! I am happy learning about the universe there are many hidden things that are millions of years old there, we died and we never knew it existed! strange feeling right?😁
Hay quienes piensan que un astronomo es un sujeto que solo estudia cosas de dia, y no es asi! hay varios objetos en el cielo que pueden estudiarse de dia como la luna por ejemplo, tambien jupiter, venus, y el mas fotografiado EL SOL! yo soy feliz aprendiendo del universo hay muchas cosas ocultas que tienen millones de años alli, morimos y nunca supimos que existia! extraña sensacion cierto?🌌🪐


And I achieved my goal I was able to photograph the 4 planets, remember that technically they are separating because aligning means when they are together one of the others, that is, last month they were all much closer together.🧠🧠
Y logre mi objetivo pude fotografiar los 4 planetas, recordemos que tecnicamente estan separandose porque alinear significa cuando estan juntos uno de los otros, osea que el mes pasado estaban todos mucho mas proximos.🪐🌍🌕🌑




THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOTE AND YOUR VALUABLE OPINION (photos and information of my property) 🙂🧠🦾👍

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