SteemitPhotoChallenge: A derelict Europe Travel - 3 Entries, 3 countries Kosovo, Macedonia & Spain _______________ Eine verlassene Europa-Reise - 3 Entries, 3 Länder Kosovo, Mazedonien & Spanien (12 photos)

in #steemitphotochallenge7 years ago (edited)

A derelict Europe-Travel

Let me take you on a derelict travel through Europe. Three different countries, three different vibes. Out of each pool of photographies of a country, I picked one as an entry for the #SteemitPhotoChallenge. The three chosen ones are listed first, beneath you will find the rest of the derelict theme photographies.

Eine verlassene Europa-Reise

Lass mich Dich auf eine "verlassene Reise" durch Europa führen. Drei Länder, drei unterschiedliche Stimmungen. Aus jedem Pool an Fotos eines Landes, habe ich einen Entry für die SteemitPhotoChallenge gewählt. Die drei auserwählten Bilder liste ich zuerst, der Rest der Themen-Fotos folgt darauf.


First Entry/Erster Entry
Camera/Kamera: Canon EX-Z700
East European Monster Truck /Osteuropäischer Monstertruck



Second Entry/Zweiter Entry
Camera/Kamera: Canon EX-Z700
Death Fun / Toter Spaß


Spain, Bilbao/ Spanien, Bilbao

Third Entry/Dritter Entry
Camera/Kamera: Canon EX-Z700
Haunted City / Verwunschene Stadt

Bilbao 1.jpg

These were my entries 1 - 3 for the contest, next other photos of these countries that fit into the follow.
Das waren meine Entries 1 - 3, es folgen weitere Fotos der Länder, die zum Thema passen.


Further derelict photos/Weitere derelict photos
Camera/Kamera: Canon EX-Z700

Out of Order / Aussrangiert

Rusty power maschine / Verrostete Powermaschine

Military car cemetery / Militärischer Autofriedhof


Further derelict photos/Weitere derelict photos
Camera/Kamera: Canon EX-Z700

For sale since the eighties / Seit den Achtzigern zum Verkauf

Running since the eighties / Seit den Achtzigern am Laufen

Spain, Bilbao/ Spanien, Bilbao

Further derelict photos/Weitere derelict photos
Camera/Kamera: Canon EX-Z700

Guardian of the abandoned / Wächter der Zurückgelassenen

Lonely Park / Einsamer Park

Haunted Fog / Verwunschener Nebel
Bilbao4 (2).jpg

Make sure to stay tuned and follow me for more.



Beautiful photos! My choice is fist photo of Macedonia! :)

That is a good choice :)

Third one is Amazing!

allyoucanfly ticket? Please tell me more!!!

Where did you take that Macedonia picture? I've been a few times to Skopje and surrounding villages, as well as Ohrid lake, but I cannot locate it anywhere!

I've posted about the Balkans as well so check this out =)

For three months I was able to use all flights the airline offered .. only exception only if free seats were available three days before the departure. Great time .. I loved it. These were taken close to the boarder to Greece. Will check your post.

Steem on

Hey. Nice shots. Kommst ja ganz schön rum..
Mir gefällt, das Karusell am besten, wenn man das so sagen kann.
Die andren Bilder sind aber auch klasse!

Ja, interessant .. schon die zweite Wahl, die auf dieses Bild fällt :). Besten Dank Dir @psywalker ;)

A little note: All of these photos were shot during a Europe trip I did in 2007. For a time span of three months, which I will never forget, I had an allyoucanfly ticket by a German airline and did heavily use it.

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