66, Poetry, Spoken Word, Digital Photography and Art

in Flowers and Nature4 years ago


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Gravity and time ensure
The high falls to the low

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Water cannot flow uphill
Fully surrendered to the Tao
It would never try

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The stateliest in time
Will bend and bow
Crumble to earth
Nurturing what is to rise

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Embrace the rise
Embrace the fall

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Understand as you rise
You are supported
by those that fell before

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When you fall
you nurture
those who will rise

(spoken word)


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Words and Images are my own.

66 is published in 81, Poems from the Tao. 81 is available in paperback or digital through amazon and your local libraries and bookstores. Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.







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“Water cannot flow uphill”
So beautifully said... in a poem 😊
Hi, how are you?

HI May. Thank you. Feeling good, a little bit like the eye of a storm. LOL How are you?

I am fine, Thank you 😊

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