STEEMIT IRON CHEF 2021 ACT 1 ROUND 01 : Contest is closed for the first round, a whopping 68 entries received in all! 46 new entries received in the last 24 hours!!! Thank you everyone!

in Steemit Iron Chef3 years ago (edited)

Hello world of foodies!

It's time to close the 1st round of Steemit Iron Chef 2021 and start preparing for the 2nd round...Yes my lovely friends, SIC 2021 ACT 1 ROUND 01 is closed and we received a total of 68 entries in all!

The last 24 hours was the time where we received the max of entries! 46 ones in all! Amazing rate of participation...Infact this is the first time ever that the contest is receiving such big a number of entrants!

I would like to thank everyone for their great support of SIC!

Thank you everyone who joined...Round 01 is over and out!!!

Well if I receive some new entrants...I will surely have a look and hopefully take them into consideration before I complete the judging!

I would love to share the 46 new entries on this post...but the post will be just too long!

But still I advise everyone, specially foodies and SIC participants to check the below link and show some love on every entry, by dropping a comment and giving a valuable vote!

All Steemit Iron Chef entries

Let's help each other grow!

Round 01 Results

I will start the judging later today and the results of the first round should be announced by Saturday, that is tomorrow. Please bear with me...I have 68 entries to go through and make a ranking!

Whatever the results will are all winners already! And there will be prizes to every participants sending valid entries thanks to the SIC League!


SIC LOGO 2021.jpg

Later today, I will be announcing the 2nd round, that is reveal the mysterious product that all the participants will once again work on and deliver some yummy dishes!

So stay tuned on my next posting and be ready to rock it again!

I wish everyone a great day ahead and thanks again for all the support!

Ps. Dont forget to read all the entries and show some love by upvoting them!

Stay Blessed!



Saludos @Iron Chef, agradecida por la oportunidad que nos brindan de participar y compartir nuestras recetas, me encanto participar! estaré atenta para la segunda ronda. Exitos

 3 years ago 

You are most welcomed my friend! My pleasure organizing this contest for all foodies of Steemit! Looking forward to discover your entry in the 2nd round!
Stay blessed!

 3 years ago 

Que sigan los éxitos para esta gran iniciativa. Bendiciones. Ansiosa por conocer nuestro próximo ingrediente jajaja. Saludos.

 3 years ago 

Thanks so much for such nice works my friend! Looking forward to discover your entry in the 2nd round!
Best of luck!

Thank you so mucho for such an amazing contest! I'd be pleased to participate in the next round, so I'll be patiently waiting for our next mysterious product💕💕💕

Me encato participar, ya quiero el segundo producto para planear mi entrada. Mil gracias .

 3 years ago 

This is simply great to read my friend! By the way...congrats for the first round! Keep working hard and build your account here my friend!
Steem On!

 3 years ago 

Esta primera ronda fue genial me diverti mucho asi que no dura en participar en una 2 Ronda. Saludos

 3 years ago 

Please feel free to enter any round you wish, the most consistent participants will definitely win more points for the league!
Thanks so much for the support!

Muchas gracias por este concurso fue muy divertido 🤗🤗

 3 years ago 

I am so happy to read that you are enjoying the contest!
Stay blessed!
Happy Sunday!

Excellent !

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