8 Ways to Become a Programmer

in #programing2 years ago

Becoming a programmer isn’t something that happens overnight, and it’s not easy. The best way to learn how to code is by teaching yourself the basics, then working with an experienced coder to build off that knowledge as you learn more. Once you have some experience under your belt, consider picking up one of these 8 ways to become a programmer and make your tech dreams come true!

  1. Have Passion
    The most important thing you can do is to enjoy it. If you're not having fun while doing it, then you need to find something else that will make you happy. Don't get discouraged and don't give up because programming is often times very hard work.
    There are many different ways of learning programming, but my two favorite ways would be online tutorials and MIT Open Courseware where I could learn without the pressure of being graded or timed in an environment that was conducive for learning at my own pace.

  2. Read, Read, Read
    Reading is one of the best ways to hone your programming skills and it's also an excellent source of information about the latest developments in the programming world. Reading code written by experts will help you see how coding syntax is used and provides great examples of problem-solving techniques. And, if you're ever stuck on what to study, this book or that magazine is just a click away!

  3. Volunteer
    Teach yourself the fundamentals of programming on your own or with the help of an online course. Programming is an essential skill for today's modern society and you'll be glad that you have it in your arsenal when it's time to find a job. For hands-on experience, sign up for an online program like Codecademy, Udacity, Coursera, or Treehouse to start learning Python and other popular languages as soon as possible.

  4. Understand the Basics
    The first step to becoming a programmer is understanding the basics of computer programming languages. One way of doing this is learning basic coding syntax. This can be done using websites like CodeAcademy or Kahn Academy. There are also books and tutorials available, such as The C Programming Language or MIT's Introduction to Computer Science and Programming video lectures.

  5. Start with Easy Applications
    Becoming a programmer is easier than you might think. In many cases, you can learn how to code on your own with free online resources or by taking college courses. There are also plenty of companies that offer coding boot camps and immersive programs so that no previous experience is required.

  6. Get a Mentor
    There are many ways you can teach yourself, but having someone else show you the ropes will make things easier. Look for someone who is already doing what you want to do, and they might be willing to be your mentor. Remember that not all mentors have the same skills, so find someone who's good at what you're looking for. You can also visit programming subreddits online and post a request there!

  7. Don’t Give Up!
    Never stop trying! It may take some time before you are able to see success, but the important thing is that you never give up. If it takes an hour of practice every day for six months, then do it. It will be worth it in the end.


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