Does History Repeat?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #history7 years ago (edited)


You know it makes me more and more sad to see what is going on the the world of politics today. It makes you wonder whether history will repeat again or not.

It is ironic because now we are almost at the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1, and the chaos and mayhem that was done to Europe because of that war, is repeating itself. Although the current war is not a physical war but that of an immigrant war.

It is undeniable that the biggest focus point, the biggest political event in Europe or perhaps in the entire western world is the immigrant crisis.

If this had not happened then politics would be as usual, in some countries it happened earlier like in the 70’s-80’s in the Scandinavian countries and perhaps as early as the 50’s in Germany.

But it culminated now in the recent mass immigration waves and the crimes that they brought with them.

It looks like we are headed towards tyranny, at a very rapid pace. And I am not talking about the disorder that is happening in the streets of Europe.

You know Hitler started agitating the crowd and had brawls with local Bolshevik gangs in the early 20’s. I think that was a minor insignificant event, and a total diversion of what was about to come.

What happened with the rise of power of Hitler had it’s secrets in the Weimar Republic, study that, and you will immediately realize the problem.

So what did the Weimar Republic do? Well, it had very weak solutions, and it’s almost like they romanticized of being overthrown by a tyranny.

A population that is so purposeless and hedonistic will inevitably fall unto tyranny. This is what most libertarians don’t understand, that a society without values will inevitable succumb to tyranny.

It’s how the Roman Republic got subverted by panem et circenses, and then it fell into imperial tyranny. Then the tyranny totally destroyed the society and made people so morally weak, that they got conquered by barbarians and thus we had 1000 years of Dark Ages full of wars and bestial atrocities.

It’s the same thing happening all over again, liberty doesn’t come from hedonism, it comes from morality and philosophy.

Hedonism is the symptom of a dying society, as it implodes on itself. The Greeks and Romans knew this, and it already happened many times, so why don’t people realize this now?

So going back to the issue, the Weimar Republic basically did nothing. Germans had real grievances, and their current establishment did nothing.

Meanwhile the streets were filled with violence of Bolshevik vs Nazi fights. Innocent Germans were very concerned.

Sure they introduced “anti-hate legislation” like they do now. But that is a very stupid solution since it further stopped debates, and it only increased violence.

You can’t legislated problems away, that is just treating the symptoms, and in fact it was the Republic’s fault that it got to that point in the first place.

So innocent people were caught in the crossfires, street violence increased, then the economy collapsed.

So the society further polarized itself, now everyone became an extremist, either a Communist or Nazi.

And at this point discussion was over, it was one side versus the other, and the more dominant side won.

Hitler won with 40% of the vote, obviously the other side was either supporting the Bolsheviks or neutral. About 27% supported the Bolshevik faction, and I call them Bolshevik because they were an outgrowth of the Soviets basically, if they had won, they would have became an SSR, merged with the Soviet Union basically.

So what do we have now in comparison to this? Well we have street violence, caused by the migrants. And again an increasingly angry population who just can’t be calmed down with empty promises, especially as the economy is getting worse and worse.

There is also a possible financial crash on the horizon, there wasn’t one for more than 8 years, and they usually happen in these time periods. This time the pension system will possibly be wiped out.

So the population could be calmed down by giving them solutions, solutions coming from the free market and good entrepreneurship.

But what does the political establishment give? More tyranny as always. They are cramping up on censorship and “anti-hate laws”, thereby totally shutting down all discussion and grievances, just like in the Weimar.

And then after the next crisis comes, the population will inevitably become extremist. One side pushing for Neo-Bolshevism, which is basically the religion of the EU now. Trying to cling to the sinking ship.

The other side will push for Ultra-Nationalism, and that will be turned against the immigrants.

So here we have millions of immigrants coming in, some of them innocent, some of them criminals, but they will all be targeted by Ultra-Nationalists and blamed for the inevitable collapse.

The Bolshevik side will side with the immigrants, and the possibility of a civil war is very likely.

People have to understand that the political landscape now in Europe is very unstable, and it’s like this by design.

“Order out of Chaos” is the motto of the Globalist Elite, and whichever side wins, we always lose.

Even if the Nationalist side wins, I think it will be a massively controlled opposition. A form of Civic Nationalism is not bad. But what they will bring is Ultra-Nationalism, with austerity, riot-police and a form of totalitarian tyranny which haven’t been seen since the times of Hitler.

I think it’s a Globalist plan, and the Globalists are well known for funding both sides, so either way we are toast.

In the Ultra-Nationalist world we will lose all freedoms, and journalists, critics will all be jailed or sent to labor camps on the grounds of being “enemy infiltrators” or a “threat to public safety”. The liberal values will be gone and it will usher in a literal Police State. It will be like Nazism 2.0.

If the Neo-Bolsheviks win, then the EU will turn into an European Federation or United States of Europe, and of course all separatists will be hunted down like how Stalin hunted down the Trotskyists. The illusion of free movement from the “open border” phenomena will cease as they will no longer focus on the national territories, but on the City vs Rural area.

What does it matter in what city you live in the U.S.E. if they will all be the same. But guess what, all rural life will be demonized to hurl people into the new Smart Cities as the Globalists have been planning for now. The Smart City will be like the Warsaw Ghetto. Everyone will be tracked and enslaved in the cities, and all forms of private property will cease to exist.

So as you can see both options will lead to tyranny, this is the false choice that we have in front of us, all caused by the Globalists. It doesn’t matter what flavor tyranny will take if the Globalists will just rule over it.

The primary concern of people should be the Globalists and the endless expansion of Government tyranny and control over every aspect of people’s lives.

But instead of that a false controlled conflict is created between the Neo-Bolsheviks vs Ultra-Nationalists. Just like it happened in the Weimar Republic.

If your only choice is between Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, then you are already in big trouble.

And it is happening again, so can people see out of the box this time, or will history repeat itself again?


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Really good post!

History does not repeat itself, but it sure rhymes.

If you want an accurate view of time, it is like a spiral. So, when you look at it, it definitely looks like we are headed into the same area, but each time we grow slightly more.

Soon, there will be no war, but it may take a couple of generations to put that into practice. We will have to learn to negotiate better. To always strive for win-win outcomes. And to throw psychopaths out of any form of negotiation. You put psychopaths in charge, and all you will ever get is conflict and war.


We can survive it....

While there is some progress by each generation, the stakes are growing too.

This massive collectivization lead to the nuclear age, the age when 1 psychopath can end human civilization with the push of a button.

It doesn't matter how much progress we make if the risk is growing quicker than the peace process.

It's almost like the progress is linear while the risk is exponential. With this philosophy, human civilization could go extinct at the next major war, which is already boiling, if we look at the geo-political landscape.

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