Technology - It's Effect On Your Kids

in Steem Kids & Parents6 months ago


Greetings to all members of this community, trust you all had a great day. The world right now is in what we call "the digital age". In terms of technology, we have advance so much that even kids have access to it whenever they please. In fact, kids these days are known as digital natives while adults are called digital immigrants.

Parents, what is technology's effect on your children? What can you do about it? Let's find out.

Effects Of Technology On Children.


Research has shown that young people who spend plenty of their time using their phones tend to:

Be dependent on their devices: According to the book Reading Conversation, the apps on our phones are made to keep us on our phones. This is very true because things like games are very addictive. I'll drop an example.

There's this game called Call Of Duty(COD). It'll interest you to know that even people that find it hard to eat good food spend REAL MONEY to buy weapons in the game. This shows how addictive our phones can be.

Be Cyber Bullies: I used to be a victim of this. People that are shy in real life have a high chance of bullying others on social media, if given the chance. This is because social media gives them a platform for saying or doing whatever they want, this freedom they are unable to utilize in everyday life due to their shyness. Sadly, most of them tend to abuse the freedom.

Have difficulty concentrating while reading: Many people think technology makes dem do many things at once, for example, they can read and text friends at the same time. Sadly, the truth of the matter is, when you multitask, you end up not doing either task well.

Become quickly bored in times of solitude: I believe we can all resonate with this. These days, we can't say hours without our phones. It has become a part of us, in fact, it is us.

What can you do to protect your children?

Train your children: Although kids are "digital natives", they still need guidance. According to the book Indistractable, giving a kid a phone without teaching the child how to use it properly is like allowing a child to jump into a river when he doesn't know how to swim.

Parents, check out the suggestion below.

  • Discuss with your child how to behave on social media.

  • Try your best to block inappropriate content from your child's phone, as much as possible.

  • Check your child's phone at intervals.

  • Daily usage should be limited.


Parents, do your utmost best to take good care of your children and keep them away from whatever will be harmful to them. Children, follow the decisions of your parents. When we all do this, both parents and children will be free from the bad effects of technology.


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