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RE: Messages of Interest from others. - Page 24

in #donaldmarshall4 years ago

Astral Light (Feb 8, 2014 12:17:26 GMT -5)
Annamaria Dienes
Are They Biblical Demons? Aliens Caught Alive with HornsDonald Marshall half the people in this vid attend cloning.Annamaria Dienes i guessed too...Barbara Ives too long, I just want to see the creatures.Donald Marshall you may change your mind once you see them.David Weir My question is can we defeat them? Will they go away if we get our house in order? I hope I never meet one.Donald Marshall they will be forced out.Barbara Ives I don't want to meet one, just see a photo of it lollink 2 post:


Astral Light (Feb 8, 2014 12:48:18 GMT -5)
Adair Dfwtf SheppardIs this really possible? Can people really use chi? Donald Marshall not from what I've seen... all I've ever seen is monks make their hands hot by concentrating. The Shaolin Monk stuff is mostly magician parlor tricks.Adair Dfwtf Sheppard Oh okay Just always wondered. At 1:50 he makes newspaper catch fire with his hand. But it could just be fakePhil Chuppa off to work, douchy guy leave Don alone he bites.......check in in the morning.Adair Dfwtf Sheppard douchy guy?Donald Marshall wrong thread Phil Chuppa lolAdair Dfwtf Sheppard lolLina Seeka hahaha oh dear. you lot, so funny. needed a smile. Douchy guy LMAOLina Seeka i wanted to learn abt chi b4. yrs ago. more power behind your punch & the other 1 that i cant remember. never mind. not important right now.Adair Dfwtf Sheppard same here lolLina Seeka Donald i will gently let the lady know. no dramas. but i need you to answer this. Tommy lee. from motley he for or against the lifestyle?Donald Marshall forKC Up To Bat (Person Using Chi Energy) you don't know about "chi" have to know if you want to know who you really are.Lina Seeka Donald msgng uKaren Cutrer Corkern Yes some ppl can do that. But very few. IMOFredrik Beckman seen this before I belive its reallink 2 post:

Astral Light (Feb 8, 2014 12:51:31 GMT -5)
Adair Dfwtf SheppardlolDonald Marshall they dont morph... they'd like you to believe that they do though.Allison Kennedy MIGHTY MORPHIN NINJA VRILLAdair Dfwtf Sheppard I used to think they morphed a long time ago lolAllison Kennedy LOL XDD yeah i believed in aliens and thought i met plastic ken and barbie one night ! i swear on my life i met some drones or clones & you know how you have that sixth sense? Well alarm bells were ringing & we escaped from them b/c they were going to abduct us TRUE STORYAdair Dfwtf Sheppard hahah foreal? thaT Sounds pretty trippy lol I sometimes thought my teacher was a droneLina Seeka freaky, Allison Astral Lightlink 2 post:

celine (Feb 8, 2014 18:48:34 GMT -5)
Adair Dfwtf Sheppard shared a link.My cousin wants to know if you had anything to do with this song.. Sakura Card Captors - Upside DownDonald Marshall noAdair Dfwtf Sheppard oh okay

celine (Feb 8, 2014 20:43:51 GMT -5)
Erik Frene shared a link.The Cloned Anti-ChristPrince William ~ The Cloned Anti-ChristWas Prince William cloned from the Shroud of Turin to be raised as the Anti-Christ? Find out more from Dr. Joye Pugh [02-07-09]
Donald Marshall... nah just an inbred goofball.

celine (Feb 8, 2014 20:59:10 GMT -5)
DianeHelen ChurchArch Angel Lorraine Townsend I was reading up on the archangels last night before I went to sleep and Chris Thomas understanding of them is quite different then I was lead to believe. According to his book The Human Soul, on page 218 in the glossary, he writes " Arch Angel:traditionally, the chief messenger (Angel) between branches of the Jewish priesthood. Persona taken on by various " spirit guides" when working with channels who needed an ego boost. The title has been hijacked by the Hathor is order to mislead". kinda hard to explain who the Hathor are, but without going into a huge amount of detail. Two of the sub races of the Velon race, called Annunaki and Hathor are the bad guys and have been causing problems with the human race for over 300 years. Donald Marshall has called these Aliens Vrill, and that might be a nickname of the Velon race.DianeHelen Church and it goes without saying that there are many interpretations of what Arch Angels are. They all have some truth. Who really knows? Just chose one that you feel is right.Lorraine Townsend thank's DianeHelen Church... in trying to understand what's real and what not, love your input.Deborah Ferro Pfister yea can be hard to tell the difference because theyre so cleverDianeHelen Church Yep, Lorraine Townsend and I continue to question the answers, about everything. Yes, I align with his information, so far. If I find another theory that feels right, I will go with that. In my 45 plus years of seeking my truth, I still do not have all the answers. I keep affirming/praying that the veils of illusion be lifted from me and every human being.

celine (Feb 9, 2014 14:18:18 GMT -5)
Veronica Bevan Jones shared a link.What is your take on this Donald MarshallDr.Jonathan Reed - Working Together with RespectDr.Jonathan Reed - Alien Encounter. Best Evidence of Alien Contact in The History of Mankind -Case of Dr.Jonathan ReedVeronica Bevan Jones The Alien being "Freddie" as it tried to communicate with Dr.Jonathan Reed in his garage.-Facebook : DrJonathan Reed

  • Dr Jonathan Re...See moreDonald Marshall Freddie the alien huh? in his garage?Veronica Bevan Jones It's a long story, but are the noises the same as the Kril your talking about?Fredrik Beckman Vrill you meen

celine (Feb 9, 2014 14:20:57 GMT -5)
Celine O'carroll shared a link.was asked if you know anything about the coloured dots on mailboxes Don....Officer Jack McLamb Exposes FEMA Death Camps & mailbox dots. He also confirms 911 was an inside job.At the Ron Paul March on Washington in July 2008, Jack McLamb comments on how 911 was an inside job and exposes FEMA camps. Yes, thats where folks on the red...Donald Marshall heard 2 things... to point out problem people,... and also heard it was to point out vrill hosts.Celine O'carroll wowCeline O'carroll that might be handy if trueCeline O'carroll ...about the vrill hosts i meanTony Wyatt Mackenzie Just a shame some people only know what's going on on their favourite tv showBryan Lee I was sharing video almost daily for around a year & as far as i know it didn't grab anyones attention Taylor Thomas The colored stickers are for the mailman. That way they know which paper to out in who's mailbox on which day..Donald Marshall ummm noCeline O'carroll The person who sent me the link says that he and his neighbours get the same papers but have different colour stickers on their mailboxes.Celine O'carroll Did they ever tell you what colour stickers for hosts Don?Donald Marshall nopeTony Wyatt MackenzieDose any one actually know anyone who has had a sticker, I'd bet we all get redTaylor Thomas I do.Donald Marshall People should just unpeel the stickers... lol

celine (Feb 9, 2014 14:42:47 GMT -5)
Natasha Leigh sharedPhotoDonald Marshall ANOTHER IMPLICATION POSTING?!?! Astral Light all he really has to do is post that Vinny Eastwood interview with Don himself and the video/video title will speak for itself.Natasha Leigh I was wondering how many of these he has ready to go. Seems like its old info he's pointing to , but thought I would share as they popped up.Laurence Mountford oh gawd is this asshole still doin these?Laurence Mountford "Implications posting implicating me in knowledge of source of said implications posting.. posting.."Noelle Macy Smith what's wrong with it Laurence Mountford?Donald Marshall he should just spit it outDonald Marshall .his delay for effect could have "implications"

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