Torn pages of a Diary ...........

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Hey guys, good day

Few months back I have started to write a series about someone's diary but for some reasons didn't continue that but today I thought I should write about that diary... Hope you will like this....


Day : Unknown (not written)

Location : Somewhere in the earth

" I woke up early morning with a crazy headache, whole night I haven't sleep well because of several nightmares. Days are super crazy right now infact everyday is crazy for me, so much pressure , life challenges driven me into frustration. I feel like I have nothing inside me, stress tension making me so miserable. Sun is bright today , I guess it's hot summer day. Few minutes back I have checked my phone which was full of notifications but also there was a text which again made me sad. I guess I have to be habituated with this type of texts. I was not in mood to do anything but I have to because it's life.

I needed a cup of coffee , black coffee this morning without sugar because I felt like I need to use my brain now. I never drink coffee without sugar but today was exceptional. I needed to think about life, about everything. I went to the window with that cup of coffee and a cigarette , well I can recall some memories. My dad is not a smoker and he don't like smoking at all but now I became chain smoker. My life has been changed drastically, I used to smoke for fun with my friends in the party but now ......Recently I can't think properly , this is because I messed up everything and it's taking time. Today is shiny bright day, normally I love this kind of weather, perfect for going out but today is exceptional.....


Some rules are meant to be broken, some memories are nasty but dark and create a great impact inside your mind. You can't remove them so easily and those will create negativity inside your mind. Sometimes it's hard to control, may be you need time for these. Ya, time will heal everything, every single area. I have work today but I was not feeling like doing anything but these were waste of time actually because no solution was coming after all. I needed someone to share, I needed some suggestions but right now I don't trust anyone.. Everything is broken , every single dream died....

I guess I have to recreate my dreams and hope , may be need some renovation and reality based dreams........I have to learn to watch dreams again..."

These was written for today on the diary... May be she will write more, if she then she will give me chance to write here......

To be continued..........................

I am @priyanarc..... An architect, a dreamer and a passionate writer who loves to write about life.I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way i can know and reach your mind and thought easily...


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Pakhi ta onake sundur aup r apne oo onake sundur.!

Posted using Partiko Android

@paulmoon410 she is using bengali language.. 😂😂😂 My native language... haha

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks apu...

Interesting post in using a diary format. Difficult times for her. Thank you for sharing.

It's kind of interesting series .. May be it will be some drama type of series...

Posted using Partiko Android

I like the idea.

Thank you...

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @hafizullah on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, with each individual living their best life, and being responsible for their own well being. #innerblocks Check it out at @innerblocks for the latest information and community updates, or to show your support via delegation.

Nice bird,wish to have on my hand once. Thanks for your content & Thanks god that diary was not yours. I hate frustation.

Thanks for stoppong by...

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