YAY! It's Friday! Which can only mean one thing! #marketfriday hosted by the effervescent @dswigle 💜She is one of the most precious souls here on the blockchain, who puts so much effort into her posts, and is wonderfully active. #marketfriday is a wonderful way to see the world via Steemit. Check out the tag for more info

If you've been following me for a while, you will know that I am a giant fattie foodie 😄 and that I love all things food related. Something else that is one of my absolute favourite pastimes is visiting different and culturally interesting restaurants. I love seeing posh, upmarket places with their gorgeous interior design, impeccable service and well thought out dishes. I also love finding hole in the wall spots, where the food is so good, but the place itself looks like something out of the early nineties.

Recently, @morkrock and I visited Mariner's Wharf in Hout Bay, which is about a half an hour drive out from central Cape Town. It is a beautiful seaside suburb, famed for its lush forestry and delicious fish n chip shops.



Mariner's Wharf was built in the '80's, and walking into the takeaway fish n chip shop, one feels as if they have taken a step back in time. Polished, faded, red and white tiles, vinyl everything, and a DVD playing on the TV that looks like it too was made in the '80's. It is definitely not an upmarket place, but the queues speak for themselves, people pouring into the place, and hardly any space to be seated.

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We were (I was) very excited to be there. Mork didn't know I was taking a pic. He don't like selfies 🤪

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The meals are huge, greasy and cheap. I'd say that they go through more chips than the average McDonalds, with one lady behind the counter dedicated to shovelling chips into the heated display unit.


We shared a piece of hake, some chips, and a portion of fried calamari. It was delicious, proper slap tjips (soggy chips), fresh fish and lekker tartare sauce. We figured out that day that vinegar is always served with these meals, in order to ensure you don't have a giant case of indigestion. Well, that's my theory, anyway

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Once you've done giving yourself a coronary attack, you can head out for a much needed walk around the marina. There are some beautifully distressed old fishing boats, some in such a state of disrepair, and some still in use.

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Fish n Chips in Hout Bay is one of the bucket list items you must do when visiting Cape Town. You won't regret it.


Harbour Road, Hout Bay

Cape of Good Hope, South Africa

(34°02’49.70 S 18°20’53.60 E)

Your thoughts matter to me. I upvote each and every well thought out comment that graces my post. To encourage dialogue and interaction. 💜



I'm drooling now :D

🎁 Hi @princessmewmew! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

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What a cool market and those fish and chips look so good, I dont often have them here, they just dont make them as well as the ones I am used to from back home, it it sound slike the fish and chips there are similar to what Iam used to

WooooooHooooo! My kind of place. Old (like me), a little decrepit (like me) and the smell of ancient deep fry grease baked right into the walls!

Looks terrific. I like design and new some times, but most of those places place the emphasis on beauty, not feeding the savage beast. I'm a feeder through and through and too much is just right for me.

I also agree with Mork's assessment of selfies.

Thanks for a GREAT food review!

I more for meat than fish. But it is good that we all have our own favorites!

Now I'm hungry! Nicely done!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh I should not have read this before breakfast....wow! I LOVE fish and chips, this place looks like they serve huge portions, lol Sounds like it's time for a Longggg walk on the docks, lol You are too cute, thanks for the great selfie :) Have a fabulous weekend!

I know princess you are a big foodie. This seems very beautiful and mouthwatering! I love yummy food!

Oh my!.. it looks sooo delicious!

You said potatoes (kind of) so I came running! 😜 I've never been a fish gal myself, but I can totally pound some chips! That lady probably has some solidly strong arms shoveling that many day in and day out. The hole in the wall places really are sometimes the best! At least you had some nice scenery to walk around to digest all that goodness afterwards!

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