Looking After Our Babies

in Healthy Steemlast month



Hello beautiful people of steem health from all over the Globe. Trust You all are enjoying the happiest moment of time here on steemit. It's my pleasure to be here one's again I will be participating in a very interesting contest titled "Looking After Our Babies" it happens to be one of my best topic so far and I will be participating soon. All thanks to @sahmie for bringing up this beautiful topic. I will be sharing my thoughts soon so let's start from from here without wasting time.

Why is breastfeeding good for babies and moms and how does it help babies grow strong?


Breastfeeding is one of the beneficial process of a woman to feed his or her baby with milk from the breast. It is one of the natural act of care that can provides optimal nutrition and health benefit in between the mother and the baby. It also offer a supportive growth which can simply helps babies and mom's to develop and maintain a proper well-being which can simply helps to boosts immune system and also helps to protect babies from having infections and diseases.

In the other way round breast feeding also helps children to maintain strong bones which is also known as breast milk, which contains Calcium and other nutrients to help babies grow strong and and build a strong immune system. And moreover breast milk is very easy in digestion which also helps to reduce the risk of digestive Issues that will helps babies to absorb nutrients accordingly.

When it comes to the benefits of mothers, breastfeeding helps the uterus returns to it's normal pregnancy size which helps to regulate and supports emotional well-being, it also reduces the risk of ovarian cancer which can easily aid in the loss of weight.

How can parents make sure their baby sleeps safely to avoid sudden bad things happening while they sleep?


  1. Endeavour to make use of a good bed and a problem bed sheet or blanket to keep the baby so as to help prevent overheating.

  2. Also endeavour to checkup on the baby for some minutes after the baby has slept off so as to prevent the baby from crying.

  3. Also ensure that the environment in which you keep your baby is noise free environment and also free from Hazards such as curtains and cords.

  4. Avoid over dressing your baby during sleep or using too many bed sheet so as to avoid heat from generating on the baby's body.

  5. Also maintain a comfortable room temperature there by keeping it cool or you can consider turning on a.c or fan of possible.

  6. You can also consider to place the baby at your back this will simply helps the baby to feel comfortable and sleep very well.

  7. Most importantly, one must avoid using some commercial devices that claims to reduce risk as their effectiveness is unproven.

I believe by following this rules parents will be able to create a safe sleep environment for their babies.

List out some ways to calm a crying baby, and why is it important to do it quickly?


  1. Skin to skin contact: You can endeavour to hold the baby against your bare body with their bare skin. This actually helps to builds trust and promotes a sense of security.

  2. Hold and Cuddle: You can also consider to hold the baby close to your skin then offer the baby a physical comfort. It helps to support a self soothing skills between you and the baby.

  3. Swaddling: it simply refers to the act of wrapping a baby in a blanket or wrapper to promotes a sense of comfort it also helps to improve sleep quality.

  4. Bath Time: This is also another way to calm a baby, you can consider to bath the baby before going to bed and this will actually prepare the baby for a peaceful sleep.

  5. Provide A Calm Environment: Always endeavour to keep the room quiet and ensure that the noise in the background is not all that loud as much.

List out and explain 4 things parents and siblings can do to keep babies at home safe.


  1. Keep It Clean: You must consider to keep your home clean there by sweeping the flour regularly and clean some surfaces in which you consider it dirty and enable to keep away objects that is not good and this will simply helps baby's to stay safe at home.

  2. Store Dangerous Items Out Of Reach: You have to keep some dangerous items away from the babies most expecially the item's that you know that it is very sharp like knife, razor blade and nail cutter this few objects can be harmful to babies please endeavour to keep it out of reach.

  3. Supervised: Always endeavour to look after the baby by keeping an eye on them most expecially in the environment sibling's must consider to watch the baby at all times and also make sure that all the sibling's understand the importance of supervision.

  4. Lock Cabinets And Drawers: Also endeavour to install safety locks on cabinets both drawers so as to prevent the baby from accessing dangerous contents like medications or cleaning supplies which can easily be harmful to the baby.

Why do babies need immunisation, and how do these imminagation keep babies healthy?


Immunisation helps to keep babies healthy in the following ways such as..

•. Reduces Diseases Risk: immunisation also helps to reduce the risk of spreading diseases, it also helps to protect against serious long-terms issue.

•. Protects vulnerable Individuals: It also helps to protect individuals such as those with normal immune system who cannot receive vaccines any longer.

•. Herd Immunity: This actually refers to the sufficient percentage of the population immunised, it actually helps to creates a barrier preventing the spread of diseases.

•. Strengthens Overall Immunity: also helps to to build immunity against specific diseases, immunisation also strengthens overall Immunity that helps the body to fight off diseases.


Thank You all for taking out time to go through my entry, I love you all I will also be looking out to read your entry also best regards. I will invite few of my friends to also follow and participate in this beautiful contest.


Thanks For Your Support🙏


 last month 

Breastfeeding is one of the beneficial process of a woman to feed his or her baby with milk from the breast. It is natural and beneficial for both mother and her child. This process strengthen the immunity system of the baby. Best of luck for contest

Thanks for your wonderful comment dear friend.



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