Weekly Reporting in your Organisation

in #report5 years ago

This is the format for weekly reports that I have developed for the Ecumenical Order of Christ.

Delete or add numbered points as needed, reports are due each Friday, keep it mission-focused, avoid reporting repetitive mundane actions that are expected in your course of duties, if you feel you have nothing to report then that is an issue that needs addressing with your superiors:

Weekly Report by (title and name)
Date: Day/Month/Year (date report is submitted)


To Do:

Problems Encountered:


Brief Summary: (include important issues that need highlighting.)


The following is a good online article on "Weekly Reports, why they matter!"

The weekly progress report is a management tool used in all kinds of organisations, small and large. As the process represents an investment in time for all involved, it pays to consider whether you are just going through the motions or whether you are getting the most out of the process. This article covers what makes for a good weekly progress report and why they matter.

The basics of a good weekly progress report.

There is no single report format that is perfect for all circumstances, but the following are common themes where progress reporting is being used to good effect:

A recap of the prior week
What is planned for the week ahead?
Any issues that need managements attention or action
Any notable achievements
Other important factors include the length of the report and whether the content is to the point. Most points should be able to be covered in a sentence or two and bullet points are an excellent format. If a section is much longer than that, the detail might be best covered separately in an email on just that topic.

In terms of overall length, a general rule might be no more than half a dozen sections and four to six points within each of those sections. If the report is much longer than that, it is likely that the creator is investing too much time and that the most critical information might be swamped by the surrounding points.

Consistency is also an important factor. A remote team may want to report in as often as daily and an investor may only need to be updated on progress monthly, but it is critical that there is a set frequency for which the report is created. In fact, a reluctance to produce regular updates can be an indicator that other issues may exist.

Why progress reports matter for the manager.

Most directly, the weekly progress report is a tool for staying on top of the most important things that are going on in your team. In-person interactions such as one-on-ones are crucial, but having a written summary of the things your employee views as most important can be just as valuable. Down the track, when you're asked to present on your teams achievements for the quarter, you'll be glad you have a written record of them.

A consolidated weekly progress report can also be used to good effect to communicate up the management chain what your team has delivered. This will, by its nature be a larger report and will likely be skimmed rather than pored over in detail. However, a consolidated report can be a handy reference for senior management when, for example, a particular project is being discussed in a meeting.

A key and often overlooked benefit of the weekly progress report is as an opportunity to give regular feedback to your team. Having a comment or taking an action on at least one thing in each report you receive shows that you are paying attention and supporting your team. Anything covered in the Issues or Achievements section should be considered an opportunity to provide feedback.

Why progress reports matter for the team member.

As a team member, the report is a chance to draw attention to what you believe are the most important aspects of what you are working on. Again, any achievements or issues that need the support of your manager should be communicated prominently.

The report is also a chance to take stock of what you're working on. If you find yourself feeling like you don't have much to report in a given period, it might be worth considering how you're tackling the issues currently on your plate. Is it possible you need additional support with an aspect of a task currently assigned to you?

Additionally, having a record of what you worked on months or possibly even years down the track can be hugely valuable if you are preparing information in support of a promotion opportunity, or even when bringing your CV up to date!

Progress report formats.

There are many options here. Some to consider are:

A simple email. This has the advantage of low overhead and fits in well with everyone's workflow, but keeping everyone to a common format is a challenge.
A word or excel template can provide structure to the report. Some reporting templates are available on this site.
An automated tool such as Reportify can be great, especially for cutting down on the time spent on collating a report to send up the line. An automated progress reporting tool can also help with notifications and organisation of the reports for future reference for both the team manager and team member.
Are you getting the most out of your weekly progress reports? Considering what's in it for you and your team or manager may help in answering this question.



I always do my reports this way, it's very organized!

Organization is key to a good report. This is a great template and a great article.

This is a good way for people to know what is going on and how best to solve issues that come up.

Reporting is a useful tool for the employee, employer, and even customer in many cases in the business world. It is also very useful in this organization, especially since it is world-wide.

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