Corrupters of The Bible

in #steemchurch6 years ago

In the Old Testament the name "James" is never mentioned, yet in the New Testament, the name Jacob in Hebrew יעקב which is what the Apostles were actually named, suddenly gets changed to James by the corrupt English translators. One of many errors being corrected in these end times by the Ecumenical Order of Christ.

From the Tyndale Bible published in 1525AD of which most modern English Bibles derive from, including the KJV.

Rev 22:18 I testify unto every man that heareth the words of prophecy of this book: if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.
19 And if any man shall minish of the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from those things which are written in this book.
20 He which testifieth these things saith: be it, I come quickly, Amen. Even so: come Lord Iesu.
21 The grace of our Lord Iesu Christ be with you all Amen.


Now let us have a look at how two prominent Apostles of Christ had their names changed from the original sources.

Hebrew: Mar 3:17 ואת־יעקב בן־זבדי
Hebrew in plain Engish: Mar 3:17 And to Jaqob, the son of Zebedee.
Aramaic in plain English: Mar 3:17 And to Yaqob, the son of Zebedee.
Modern English: Mar 3:17 And to Jacob, the son of Zebedee.

Then came along the English translators who changed the names of two Apostles known as Jacob brother of Jesus and Jacob son of Zebedee to "James".

Tyndale Bible 1525
Bishops Bible 1568
Douay Rheims Bible 1582
Geneva Bible 1587
King James Bible 1611

Many have claimed that King James was the source of the change, but the Tyndale Bible had already been published prior to his birth with the name change from Jacob to James.
"King James VI and I (James Charles Stuart; 19 June 1566 – 27 March 1625) was King of Scotland as James VI from 24 July 1567 and King of England and Ireland as James I from the union of the Scottish and English crowns on 24 March 1603 until his death in 1625."

The above is just a very small sample of the many changes that were made to the original texts, one of the worst of these was on the changing of the true name of Christ, as it was never Jesus, here is an early video I presented.


"Even the Greeks got it right"...

They got it ALL right! Because they are eastern orthodox. Check it out!

They thought maybe by their enshrined error they can corrupt the work of grace. Failure is their name. Yeshua is Lord forever.

Posted using Partiko Android

And yet it surprises me no one questions more from the Bible...or even wants to call Christ by his original name of Yeshua...

It's really sad how much history has been changed or hidden.

At some point people need to ask themselves what else the english translators got wrong.

We call James in our language as "Santiago" @prime-cleric

Santiago<--lat. Sant Iaco(bus)


Santiago, (also San Tiago, Santyago, Sant-Yago, San Thiago) is a Spanish name that derives from the Hebrew name Jacob (Ya'akov) via "Sant Iago", first used to denote Saint James the Great, the brother of John the Apostle.

That is another example of the importance of transliterating names correctly, otherwise you end up with a completely different sounding name from the original.

This is great, I can't wait until all truth is revealed!

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Does Jacob have a twin brother named Ishaaq?

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