SEC15 WK1: "Life on Social Media"

in Steem4Nigeria6 months ago

In our today's digital age, it's definitely so incontestable that the social media has like become an integral part of our daily lives. Let it Either be WhatsApp, messenger, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram it's so all about social media. We are constantly connected and showcasing the aspects of our lives with the visual world. But what impact does the social media add to our lifes due to the exposure on how we live and how we perceive life.

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  • The rise of social media has given birth to an echo universe, where people show up their life and experiences meticulously to present an amazing version of themselves. Anxious to receive validation such as likes, comments and shares, individuals strives to showcase the best image of themselves. Here are some hints on the life on social media and my different points of view.

Do you support that our daily lives should be put up on social media all the time?

My answer to this question is NO.

a. Lack of privacy; posting your daily lives on social media constantly can compromise our privacy. Our personal information such as relationship status, location and routine were supposed to be private but sharing it on social media with friends and strangers, will leave us vulnerable by exposing ourselves to risks, stalking and even identity theft.

b. Mental Health Impact: Constantly sharing of our daily lives on social media can create a negative effects on our mental health. It can develop pressure to constantly present a perfect life will make lead to competition with others, leading to feelings of inadequacy.

Have you ever experienced or seen any case where a person has the habit of showcasing his life on social media and thy effects turned out well?.


YES, I know of a friend of my that always showcase herself, her relationship life ,her boyfriend, and other luxury on social media competing with others online just to make sure that she is well known.

  • She met her boyfriend on social media, where they chatted for few months getting to know themselves and finally along the line, the boyfriend proposed to her and she accepted, they got married. And now they are happily married with 3kids🥰. So in her own case it was a very good experience.

Do you think all the showcase on social media are true?

  • Answer: NO, not all the showcases on social media are true. Social media allows for the exceptional presentation of one's own life, often showcasing the positive aspects and neglecting the negative ones. People may go ahead to curate their content to create a specific picture, or to ignite admiration from others.

This can lead to a distorted reality where only the best moments are showcase, while struggles, hardships, and failures are hidden.
Therefore it's very wrong to accept the fact that everything showcase on social media is true.


Do you feel safe on Steemit with your information? Why can you say about steemit:

YES; Steemit is a well known platform, trust worthy , secured, protective, dependable to socialize ,without any fear of losing your reputation or dignity to the world and also the act of Jealousy is not found there on like other social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others.

It's also a platform that helps to educate people more about life , improve one's own vocabulary words and in turn reward you financially for your efforts input in every article written down. Am really grateful to be in this Amazing group.


Life on social media is an interesting one comprises of both negative and positive impacts, which helps us to know more of what is really going on in the world today while in the other hand, it's causes more harm to people mental health.

  • So in my own perspective, I see social media are a space for interaction and business not for competition, and I will like to share this little advice of mine, that we should stop showcasing our personal information online in order to protect our reputation and dignity 😚

I'm inviting @tonyjnr, @emmyjnr and @usoro01 to join me explore this topic about life on social media.

Thanks You

 6 months ago 

I believe your story, people only tend to present the peak of their moments and hide their lows. But in thr public pace, others have a different impression and hence gets depressed for not meeting up or oppressed. Goodluck with your entry

Thanks for your encouragement 😘😘✌️

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Thanks 😘


You're absolutely right about the lack of one's privacy on social media especially when you're a celebrity. There's always this fake smile, fake money and personality when not properly guided by wisdom. Well done

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