Greetings to you all in this community this morning. I am @preshy101 and today I am here to be among the participants that will be participating in the engagement challenge that has been organized here in this community.

As touching to the annual steemit contest, I will be dropping my entry on the topic that says "MY BEST MOMENT". Stay with me as I drop my entry.

Which moment in your life will you always remember? describe what happened that day. (You can share up to two moments if you have up to that)

The moment that I will always remember in my life was my last birthday which was last year. During that period, I was so sad that I had no one to call in other to celebrate my birthday. I was a rough time during that period and we were on strike, so all my friends were at their various regions.


I then the day came, so my mum asked me how do I intend to celebrate my birthday and I told her that the birthday will be just as any other day and it won't be different. That was the answer I gave her because I do not want to pressurize her to do anything beyond her power.


So by 10:am I was planning on going out to fetch water for me and as soon as I stepped out I was shocked by to see my friends. They shouted chorusly "Happy birthday to you Precious". I was shocked and short of words, tears filled my eyes upon beholding them. It was a wonderful experience and moment for me, they brought gifts, they sang for me, and we played games.


That moment was epic and I still live to remember that moment.

Why was it so special?

For the fact that my friends traveled from their various towns to come and celebrate my birthday is indeed what makes it special. Just when I thought I had no one to wish me a happy birthday other than my mum and dad, my friends showed up for me. So that action only, made it a special moment.

Why was it so special?
Can you compare that day with your current situation, what's the difference?

A birthday celebration day can not be compared to a regular day. That day I was treated like a celebrity as my friend came from far and near to wish me well but currently, It's not my birthday yet and everyone is just busy with issues of life. With that I can not compare it with the current situation for they are quite different situations.

We are in the period of writing exams and everyone is just doing what he or she needs to do to come out successful and with that, we all are busy currently.

Why is it good to remember moments like this in life?

It is so good to remember such moment in your life and this is because sometimes we feel empty, as if no one is there for us or no one ever cared about us but looking back at it, you will realize that people do care about you.


The times they showed you love and the times they came through for for you. With that, one can be able to kick out depression knowing that people are still there for you whenever you need them.

How can you create beautiful moments for someone else?

The surprises my friends gave me that day has enlightened my mind and teaches me a lot. I can use such method to create a beautiful moment for someone else. Getting them gifts not necessarily on their birthday will as well go a long way to making them happy and feel loved.

Taking them out and pay for their treats is also a great idea. This will help to a long way creating a great moment for someone else and that will surely make the person happy and feel loved.


It is always good to know that people do care about you, to know that you are loved and to feel loved. We should also create great moments for someone else to feel same. Everyone is passing through one or two things in this life but as friends, it is expected that we remain sensitive enough to know how to make beautiful moments and memories for someone because this will go a long way to keeping them happy and feel loved.

Thank you for stopping by. I invite @samuelebuka, @promis-levi @mclems

 last year 

Let's conquer beyond of our thoughts we think to be able to reach and we'll be seeing the most desired success I'm now wishing to your entry based on your best moment ever. Regards to you. A wonderful weekend I wish to you. Regards.

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